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Our Favorite Links

These are the links to sites we particularly enjoy.

Friends' Links

Main Index
LaRoyce's Christian Art Site
Maria's Professional Site
Erin/Ayla's Natural Living Site
Sparklypixie's Site
969's Site

Psych-based Links

Secret Shame SI Support Site
DarkSoul's MPD/DID Site
BoyyM's MPD/DID Site
Lysamena's Help Site for SI
The Significant Other's Guide to DID
Howling Thunder

Fun Links

Awesome Wolverine Site
Everything Dr. Seuss
Central Dogma
Strongbad's Infamous E-mails
Completely Useless Facts
Leonard Nimoy Should Eat More Salsa
Movie Mistakes
Urban Legends: Fact or Fiction?
Hayao Miyazaki
Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce
Twisted Toyfare Theatre
The End of the World
El Gusanito
Red Vs. Blue
Despair, Inc.
Something to lift the spirits...