Updated: Dec. 01/02

A Repertory of Spirited Writings and Esteemed Literary Sources.

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You don't have to be rich, or smart, or good-looking - It's already yours. Tap into it. More than a place, a person, an idea, Passion is a State of Mind.

"Miguel de Cervantes: ...When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Too much sanity may be madness! To surrender dreams---this may be madness; to seek treasure where there is only trash! And maddest of all---to see life as it is and not as it should be!"

- Man of La Mancha (1972).
Image: Picasso's Don Quixote

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This comedy of manners is a pure pleasure.

The unsurpassed modern masterpiece of romantic suspense.

Masterwork of historical fiction; monumental scope. A delicious read.

Plays exploring human passion. Outstanding 2-vol. series to own, to treasure.

James Goldman’s Oscar winning screenplay, Broadway play-One of the most revered...

One of the best Plays ever written! Act 1: Fun and Games...


Nude with Calla Lillies – by Diego Rivera

You don't have to be rich, or smart, or good-looking - It's already yours.
Tap into it.
More than a place, a person, an idea, Passion is a State of Mind.
We invite you to take a peak at ours...


Springtime Passion Play
- by Judith Bailey

"She felt as though she would burst with joy..."
"Whe-e-e!" she squealed at him. "Do that some more, just like that--"

Passion's Playground: My Garden
- by Helga Marion Ross

A Hedonist celebrates Labor Day.
"How beautiful it is to do nothing and rest afterward." - Spanish Proverb

Was It Something I Said?
- by David Coyote

Sex and the single guy:
What's more amusing than a man letting his imagination run away with him?
He wanted to tell somebody what had just happened,
but decided never to mention it again.

Passion's Playground: My Man, Jack
- by Helga Marion Ross

"Love is the same as like, except you feel sexier." - Judith Viorst

They Thought They Drown
- by Theresa Jodray

"As the rage of their passion brought them down."
Yes, we know this is supposed to be prose--Just had to sneak this one in--
This fabulously erotic poem.

Hair Wars
- by Helga Marion Ross

Come on Baby Boomers! Follow where I lead.
Read about the battle I 'happily' lost.
Let's have a Long Hair Renaissance
while we still have enough of it left to flaunt.

Making A Living
- by John Sokol

"I possess fierce desire, but -- in my heart of hearts, I know -- small talent."
This author/editor disagrees. Read and see.

On Moral Resentment & Indignation
- by David Arthur Walters

"Now then, shall we change the subject and give peace a chance."
A fascinating lesson in literary criticism.

Writer's Block: Help me Find My Muse!
- by Helga Marion Ross

Stuck expressing your unique creativity?
My plaintive cry on behalf of all artists who suffer...

A Writer's Recycled Hopes
- by Helga Marion Ross

An amusing piece of history.
Within weeks of issuing this tribute and challenge,
Webseed.com, announced it's demise. What irony!
Our race for the finish line was scratched in mid-stride!

Happiness is Hard Work
- by Helga Marion Ross

Here it is, encapsulated: My Favorite Life's Recipe.

Happiness is Hard Work: The Critique
- by Helga Marion Ross

See the picture? Return of the Daughter of Joy?
It's not the one that usually accompanies my articles....

Fear of Flying: Get a Grip!
- by Helga Marion Ross

Reflections on my Return Flight to Florida, Sept. 22-29, 2001.
"Beyond fright is Freedom." You can quote me.

Make Love, Not War: My Animus and I
- by Helga Marion Ross

"I am currently engaged in the gargantuan struggle
for self-mastery, self-integration, self-actualization and self-love
through which I might fully comprehend and express Other Love.
What a task I have set for myself!"

Going to the Dogs
- by Helga Marion Ross

"Fall in puppy love again. It doesn’t hurt. It’s never too late--for you."