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Rating: PG-16
In Their Beginning
Chapter Three

Cassie, Dean and Sam were having breakfast when Missy phoned upset. Cassie took the phone into the bedroom to talk to her friend.
“I’m sure that’s Missy,” Sam said sadly.
“Why what’s up?” Dean asked between bites of pancakes.
“We had an argument yesterday.”
“That happens. Cassie and I argue all the time, still,” Dean said as he drank some orange juice before getting up for more pancakes.
“But I really like her and I don’t think it can go anywhere with us gone all the time.”
“Duh, College boy, what are Cassie and I doing? It’s not easy but if you think you care about her, man give it a shot at least.”
Dean shook his head. Sam was supposed to be the sensitive one. After a few minutes Cassie brought the phone back in to give to Sam.
“Just be yourself,” Cassie said before going to sit in Dean’s lap to steal his bacon.
“There’s more on the stove,” he said not wanting to share.
Just for that she took his last bit of pancake off his fork. Dean frowned.
“I don’t share my food,” he insisted.
“What are you Joey Tribbiani now?” Cassie laughed as she kissed him to make him feel better.

“Oh, you know I hate that show.”
“What show?” Cassie asked pretending ignorance.
“So who do you hate the most on the show?”
“I don’t really watch it but…I really hate Rachel.”
“Oh what’s her last name?”
“Rachel Green,” he said. “Yea and since you don’t watch or like the show but you know a characters full name then you surely know who Joey is, right?”
“Uh humm.”
“So stop acting like him,” Cassie laughed before getting up to sit in her own seat.
“Very funny,” Dean said.
“Hey you started it, I just finished it,” Cassie teased.

Sam was all smiles when he came back to finish his breakfast.
“Here let me warm that for you,” Cassie volunteered.
“So looks like things worked out,” Dean said.
“Yea we are going out later. I hate we are leaving in two days.”
“We should do you laundry today, Dean so you can pack tomorrow and not have to do everything at once,” Cassie suggested sadly.
Dean could hear the apprehension in her voice. He took his empty plate to the sink where she stood. She turned around before she realized he was behind her and ran into him dropping the plate.
“Don’t move,” Dean said since Cassie was barefoot, though he was also.
Sam got up to get her slides from in front by the door to bring them to her.
“Thanks,” she said while Dean picked up the pieces around her feet.
Sam brought over the broom while Dean avoided the shards of pottery on the floor as Cassie swept up the mess.
“Sorry Sam, let me warm you some of the bacon,” Cassie suggested.
Sam shrugged as Dean stood in the kitchen to watch her. She was wore cut offs and a tank top because of the heat. Dean was only in his jeans with no shirt while Sam had on shorts and a t-shirt trying to stay cool and dry. Sam went outside to wait for the food.

After Cassie put the bacon in the oven to warm Dean grabbed her around the waist. She faced him with a grin.
“Why are you shirtless?” she asked with her hands on his toned chest.
“It’s hot. Why is it bothering you?”
“Yep it is bothering me,” she said as he ran his hands under her shirt.
The timer went off just as Sam walked in again.
“Here you go,” Cassie said as she put the bacon on the table with some toast.
“Thank you,” Sam said as he smiled at the two of them.

After Sam ate Dean led Cassie to the sofa.
“What’s up?” she asked while she tried to be cheerful.
“I saw your face when you were in the kitchen, its okay to be a little sad about my leaving,” he said with a grin.
“I hate being weepy.”
“I know you want me to see you as wonder woman; but I’m going to miss you too.”
“But you aren’t walking around all teary eyed; stupid hormones.” She complained.
He pulled her close to him to kiss her cheek as she sat on his lap.
“Hey I’m ready,” Sam said as he came into the living room, and then apologized for interrupting their conversation.
He and Dean were going to pick up supplies so they could preparing to leave and still have time to relax when the girls made them dinner later that night.
“That’s okay,” Cassie said as she got up and pulled Dean with her as she walk with them to the door.

In the car Dean was full of questions.
“Well what’s the verdict?”
“What?” Sam stalled.
“You and Missy don’t play dumb College Boy.”
“Oh we are going to try dating and see how the long distance thing works out for us.”
“Good I’m proud of you Sammy.”
“It’s Sam.”
They both laughed.

Missy understood that Sam didn’t want her to wait for him mostly because he was afraid something might happen to her just for being involved with him.
“I will be alright,” she said as they sat on the patio at the cottage that evening.
Cassie and Dean were making out in the kitchen more as a way of giving Sam and Missy time alone, not that they weren’t enjoying themselves.
“I already care for you so much I would be devastated if something did happen,” Sam said as he leaned in for a kiss.
Missy tried to convince Sam that he couldn’t protect her from things that were meant to happen but for a few moments they put those thoughts out of their minds. Sam pulled her into his lap so he could feel her warmth before he kissed her again.

It was two months later as Dean sat in the hospital waiting room preparing to call Cassie. Sam’s frequent headaches had gotten worse. Dean finally convinced him they he needed to know for sure what was wrong with him despite their fear of doctors. It had been over three hours and numerous cups of coffee for Dean. The doctors had decided to keep Sam overnight to measure his brain wave activity but Dean refused to leave the hospital so he was awake and wired. At least one of them would get some sleep that night.

He was still getting used to having someone in his life that he had to check in with though Cassie would usually phone him if it had been more than three days since she heard from him. He knew it had to be hard for her it was difficult for him too being away all the time. Many woman would never had agreed to marry a man who was on the road all the time. He felt lucky to have her in his life. Quite a few things had changed over the last few months but he was glad that the major change had been a positive one. Sam was still getting used to the same situation so they had more in common now then in the past. They also seemed to get more work done with Dean’s mind on the hunt and getting things finished than before.

He finally dialed the number for Cassie though he dreaded telling her they weren’t going to be back for her birthday in two days.
“Cas, I’m sorry to phone so late.”
“No problem, Baby, you can call at any time,” she said looking at he red numbers on the bedside clock with one eye open. It read two a.m.
“Is everything okay?” she asked.
“Yes and No.”
He told her about Sam first. The results had been inconclusive; there was no detectable damage or defect, in other words no obvious cause for the headaches. The doctors suggested they were psychosomatic.
“But we aren’t going to make in time for your birthday because of this little stop.”
“Don’t worry about that just take care of Sam and get here safely as soon as you can. Tell him I will be praying for him and I will let Missy know what’s going on,” she said relieved that neither of them had been seriously hurt.
“We will do our best.”
“How are you otherwise? Are you still running on that bad caffeine?”
“Yes, Mam, thank the Lord for coffee beans.”
Cassie laughed.
“Enjoy it while you can; because you can chuck the cup at the door when you get here where your favorite herbal tea will be waiting,” she said with a smile in her voice.
Dean made a face despite the fact she couldn’t see it. He knew she had his best interest at heart but there had to be some herbal drink that provided the caffeine he needed. Then he realized she was talking to him.
“I found you a naturally caffeinated tea,” she said.
“I appreciate that; I can’t wait to try it,” he replied eager to please her as she tried to keep him healthy. So she had been listening all those times he complained.
“I love you and can’t wait to see you again.”
“I love you too; see you soon,” he said before hanging up.

He leaned back on the chair as he tried to decide what he would get her for her birthday. He had actually forgotten until he was sitting and waiting. They had been on a hunt the last week until Sam’s headaches had intruded on their plans. Their phone call to John had produced no results he was MIA again. They made a decision that the latest Hook Man would have to wait. Dean reached to re-tie his shoe then realized he was being stared at by a blonde nurse who was built like a playboy bunny. He shook his head as he leaned back again to close his eyes. Before he was a married man he would have jumped at the chance to flirt with and or take to bed someone with those kind of assets. A second later someone tapped him on the shoulder. He opened his eyes with out moving any other muscles. The bunny nurse stood beside him.
“Are you Dean Winchester?”
“Yea.” My reputation precedes me.
“They sent me to find you, you brother wants to speak with you.
”Oh okay, thanks,” he said as he followed the nurse.

Thanks to Sam, Dean bought Cassie the perfect gift; a engraved gold heart shaped locket with her initials CW in the center. Inside was as picture of Dean on their wedding day on one side the other side read: For My Love. Cassie was moved by the gift. She kissed Dean then reached to hug Sam but Dean stopped her.
“Why are you thanking him?” Dean asked curious.
“Because I know you aren’t patient enough to but a small picture in the opening that neatly.”
Dean smiled.
“Carry on Woman,” he teased as Sam received her embrace.
“We will discuss that “woman” comment later,” Cassie warned over her shoulder as she went to help Missy cut the cake.
Sam laughed, “ I’m glad she keeps you in line.”
Dean rolled his eyes but he knew he was in trouble.
“Maybe Missy could stay here with you tonight.”
“No, there isn’t enough room I’m going home with her while you stay her with your wife and take you punishment like a man,” Sam added with a smile.
It would be okay he knew some tricks to get him out of any jam.

Getting physical was something they had put off still wanting to get used to one another first. But the more time they spent kissing the more Sam wanted to get more personal. Missy bit her lips as he looked at her, running his fingers over their soft fullness. She knew he was trying to be a gentleman but she could feel his heart racing.
“I think we should go head back to the apartment…don’t you think?”
Sam could see what she was really hoping for in her eyes that had darkened with passion.
“Yes, maybe you’re right,” he said as she got up and he followed her inside the house to let Cassie and Dean know they were leaving.

At the apartment Sam’s hesitancy fled soon after Missy stood naked before him. She is a work of art. Tall, with curves that leave no room for excess; such a beauty. He had never been with anyone but Jessica who he was engaged to marry, though he fully believed he loved Missy just as much. She helped him undress but insisted they could just hold one another. She lay in his arms quietly just enjoying his being there. Sam relaxed as she began to tell him about her childhood. It all seemed like a fairy tell to a young man with such a strange past. Once she finished speaking, just before the silence settle in Sam made his move knowing she was the one he wanted. The one he desired to spend his time with and bare his soul to; what little time of rest he and Dean could wring out of their jobs. His fear vanished with her acceptance of his life choices and total understanding of his way of thinking. He just like Dean had met his match.


Any recognizable Supernatural characters are owned by those that created the show Supernatural.
NO Copyright Infringement is Intended.

Chapter Four

Supernatural Fan Fiction
