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A/N This is a different type of chapter for me; it is the first one where I incorporated a song, the song is Ain’t No Sunshine by Bill Withers, I changed his she’s to he’s for my purposes.

In Their Beginning
Chapter Four

Ain't no sunshine when he's gone
Cassie sat in the window watching the rain splatter on the grass. She hated days like these. She always missed Dean more when it rained. Maybe because she tried to keep herself so busy at other times just to keep her loneliness at bay. But rainy days were
It's not warm when he’s away
different somehow; those were they days the worries set in. Was he warm and safe or in the middle of the fight of his life? She couldn’t call him because she had no idea what was going at any given time. How had she fallen for a man with such a strange way of living? How could she not fall for someone so eager to help those he didn’t even know?
Ain't no sunshine when he’s gone
Do we really choose who we love? Or is it fate dragging us around by our hands leading us into situations to meet designated people? Loving Dean wasn’t the challenge he was easy to love. The life he lived was a different story all together. When the lightening
And he’s always gone too long
struck a small tree across the yard then Cassie realized her vulnerable position. She shouldn’t be sitting in the window in the rain.

Anytime he goes away
Wonder this time where he’s gone

Dean and Sam had been sitting in jail for two days. The time passed slowly as they thought out their options. Originally Dean was the only one behind bars in the Podunk town just south of the Mississippi. But Sam had tried to talk them into letting Dean out so they through him in also. It all started because they had been trespassing on the land of an ornery ninety year old. More than likely he just needed some entertainment so he hauled them into the sheriff’s office. He and the sheriff had stared at them like they were aliens before they even said anything at all. Finally Sam had spoken up but the sheriff’s first reply wasn’t encouraging.
“What are you saying? Are you even speaking English?”
“What is this the Twilight Zone? We told you it was a mistake,” Dean had insisted as they dragged him to a cell that looked like it belonged in Mayberry.
“Let me handle this, Dean,” Sam yelled in the direction of his brother’s last words.
A few hours later they led Sam into the cell next to Dean’s. The worse part was Dean had a cellmate, a tall gangly fellow that reminded Sam of a rat. The man who had been staring at him without speaking the entire time. His expression spoke more intimately than Dean wanted to think about.

Wonder if he’s gone to stay
Sam saw that hungry look in the man’s eyes right away and was concerned for his brother. Dean had always been especially sensitive about the way certain men looked at him. Sam hoped they could get through the situation without Dean losing his temper.
“Just chill okay,” Sam said as he saw the anger in his brother’s face.
“I’m fine,” Dean said as he took a deep breath.
“Think about Cassie and how she wants you home in one piece.”
“I haven’t stopped thinking about it; But if he touches me….”
“Maybe we can get them to put us in the same cell,” Sam suggested.
Dean shook his head.
“No just talk to me, tell me how we are getting out of here; he said as he gave his cellmate a look that clearly said “don’t even think about it.”

Ain't no sunshine when he’s gone
By the third day they were past the point of worry; John hadn’t showed up to get them and they were considering the last resort. Though Dean didn’t want Cassie to know about their little fiasco at least he could ask her to wire the money. Then a surprise walked around the corner.
“Well boys looks like you are in a fix,” Missouri said with a grin, as she stood in front of them carrying the biggest purse that had ever seen. Either that or they were hallucinating. The deputy came in behind her to open the bars so they could leave.
“Thank you,” Sam said as he hugged her.
“You are welcome, honey.”
“Yes, I appreciate this,” Dean said.
“Well, you may want to call your wife she is worried about you,” Missouri said as she patted Dean on the back while they all walked out together.

And this house just ain't no home
Missouri treated them to a meal at a local restaurant.
John had spoken with the sheriff before calling her so she knew that Sam and Dean were looking at fourteen days in jail if someone didn’t pay the fine. John had given her the option but she felt for them they were trying to do what their father had insisted they do so she let John know how she felt about his attitude toward his son’s predicament.
“You would let them sit there? John Winchester I have always backed you up but I can’t believe you have the power to get them out and you tell me that I shouldn’t feel obligated. That’s very disappointing,” she said in a huff.
“They can survive either way I didn’t think you would be in hurry to go get them yourself.”
“Maybe I just feel for Dean’s poor wife she is probably worried sick; I will go get them for her if not for you. Jail isn’t the safest place for you two good looking sons you know.”
“Thank you,” John said with relief in his voice that surprised Missouri considering his attitude a minute before. Reverse psychology, maybe.
{End Flashback}

Anytime he goes away
Dean finally phoned Cassie when they were settled in at the hotel that evening. She told him that Missouri had phoned her the day before to tell her what had happened since she had spoken with John.
“I was a little concerned about my cell mate; he had his sights on my nice behind.”
“I can understand that, I’m glad you got out okay,” she said absentmindedly.
Dean felt Cassie sounded strange like she would rather be doing something else.
“Did I interrupt something?”
“No I was just watching television.”
“I get the impression you would rather be doing something else. What do you have your boyfriend there waiting for you?” It was meant as a joke but it never should have been said because some things should stay inside your head.
“Why would you say that?”
“Hey I don’t want to interfere, if you have more important plans than speaking with me, your husband,” Dean said in anger as Sam shot him a look.
Sabotage, he is sabotaging his relationship.

And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
“You know I give you the benefit of the doubt despite you past,” she said.
Dean was quiet, suddenly.
“I have no idea what goes on when you are just out there with Sam, but I trust you because I love you,” she added before hanging up.
Sam just looked at Dean as he stared at his phone.
“She hung up on me.”
“Surprise, surprise what are you an idiot?” Sam asked without waiting for an answer.
“You know if you don’t love her then just let her go; don’t torture her.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh my gosh; she has put everything aside for you, you know a real life. Dean, why would you ever accuse her of cheating,” Sam said frustrated.
“It was a stupid joke,” Dean said as he ran his hands through his hair. But it had come out like an accusation. He picked up the phone again.

I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
Arguing is foolish if he doesn’t trust me than we are never going to work. She sat on the sofa again but had no idea what was going on in front of her on the screen. She got dressed then left to meet Missy at the gym. Dean phoned three times one call after another but there was no answer because Cassie had gone. He took a walk to clear his head as well as consider his options.

I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
Once she returned Cassie waited until after her shower to check her messages. She sat on the bed with her hair in a towel as she listened to Dean’s last voicemail.
I’m sorry I love you so much I don’t deserve you but I hope you will forgive my stupidity. I never want to be without you in my life. Please call me.
Maybe she was just being stubborn he had known something was wrong she gave him credit for that. She was only a few days late on her cycle but she was terrified and distracted. Missy had suggested it was from worry and too much exercise but Cassie thought Missy was just tired of the work outs. She was trying to wait to go to the doctor but she was afraid that if she was pregnant Dean would think it was too soon. She was stressed out from dealing with the new uncertainty in her life. That was all she refused to believe she was having a baby, so she couldn’t mention it to him. What a pain in the butt hiding things could be.

I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
“Of course I forgive you,” Cassie said as soon as Dean answered.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say what I did, it was stupid and insensitive according to Dr. Sammy. But he is right this time.”
Sam glared at him as he looked up from the laptop.
“We really have to work on that speaking without thinking thing you do,” she said.
Dean laughed, but she was right it was a bad habit that caused too many problems
“For the record, I don’t think you would cheat on me but if you come to a time when you consider it call me so we can talk,” he said serious this time.
“I know a person should never say never because we tend to do things so often without thinking; but I am saying I have desires only for you and I plan to never break our vows.”
Dean swallowed back tears.
“Thank you for that I see your face when I close my eyes; though I know I am damaged goods, Cassie, thanks for putting up with me.”

I know, I know, I know
Hey, I ought to leave the young thing alone

“It’s a pleasure I can only hope for many years with you, though what you call damage I call life lessons,” she said with a smile in her voice.
They were silent as each one thought about the words that had passed between them.
But ain't no sunshine when he’s gone,
Sam headed for the shower while Dean lay on the bed listening to Cassie breath. Then she laughed.
“Okay I feel like I’m thirteen and I called the guy I like to talk but we have nothing to say.”
Dean agreed with her assessment.
“But in our case silence can be comforting.”
Ain't no sunshine when he’s gone,
Only darkness everyday

“What is it Cassie,” Dean said as he sat up.
There was blood on the sheet; she sighed after apologizing for scaring him. Then she told him what had been going on.
“No baby.”
“No baby,” she said.
“It’s way too soon,” he said as he fiddled with the frayed bedspread.
“Yes it is and we should be a lot more careful,” she insisted.
“I agree,” he said with sadness in his voice.
“Yea, you sound disappointed; if I had been pregnant I would have wanted to keep it. Could you handle that after only been married less than six months?”
“I don’t know…I want babies with you some time.”
“I know but obviously God agrees with us that there is a better time; in the future a couple of years maybe.”

Ain't no sunshine when he’s gone,
And this house just ain't no home

God, the same God that took my mother away now wants us to wait to have a baby; I am not sure if he is that interested in our lives. There are millions of people on the planet so I doubt if this is something that strikes his fancy as an issue to intrude into.
Anytime he goes away.
“I should get cleaned up here, can we just forget earlier ever happened.”
“I would love to forget it, don’t feel like you have to hide things from me okay?”
Anytime he goes away.
“I’m a big boy; I can handle it. Talk soon.”
Anytime he goes away.
Anytime he goes away
Anytime he goes away.

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Any recognizable Supernatural characters are owned by those that created the show Supernatural.
NO Copyright Infringement is Intended.

Chapter Five

Supernatural Fan Fiction


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