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Dear Adam...


Dear Adam,

I'm 16 and I'm very broken hearted. About 7 months ago I met this guy at a party and we hit it off, as friends. The next day I wasn't home but I saw on the caller ID that he had called 5 times. We hung out often and talked on the phone and on AOL every day. I was really starting to like him, but we were simply friends. Well this other girl kept telling him that I was SO in love with him. Basically she wanted him and was doing everything she could to get rid of me so she could have him. Well, because that girl was telling both me and the guy lies (like he called her all the time, and I was obsessed with him) we got into an argument. The next day we cleared things up and we were supposed to be cool. But then I heard something else from this girl (yet another lie) and before I thought about it, I blew up at the guy and he got mad. I apologized and he said it was ok.

After that, he stopped talking to me. He told my friends that he got scared when he was hearing that I, "liked him a lot" because he only liked me as a friend. He did not call me or talk to me online anymore because he was, "tired of my crap" and "he was over it already." Now I talk to him very rarely online, and he never really has anything to say to me.

But about a week ago he told me to call him sometime and so I did, but I got his voice mail, so I left a message, and he still hasn't returned my call. It doesn't make sense because he wouldn't have told me to call him if he didn't want to talk to me. He said that he only liked me as a friend and that the night at the party was a "mistake". He didn't act like he only liked me as a friend, he was flirting with me and then we would put his arm around me or hold my hand. How is that "just friends"?? As u can see I'm very hurt and confused. I guess what I'm asking is how do I deal with this, and also I was wondering if u had any idea as to why this happened. I really miss him, but only as a friend, but its hard for me to talk to him because sometimes he can be so cold towards me and I never know what to say to him anymore because it has been so long since we actually talked. Oh and one more thing I wanted to say was that everyone (all my friends and my sis) all think that he liked me too. just so that u know I wasn't just thinking that he did, because obviously there was something there that everyone could see. but why would he deny it? I just don't understand! well, sorry for making this so long

thanks allot!!! "severely heartbroken

Adam Says...

It seems like you are caught up in a big misunderstanding. What you need to do is to first ask your friend not to get involved in your relationships because as you have experienced it only leads to problems... Secondly find a way to talk to this guy, Keep calling, send text messages to his phone or even go to his house and ask to talk to him. Explain to him that it was all a misunderstanding and you miss him as a friend. You need to be straight with this guy. We don't like being mislead just like you ladies don't like it.

You need to ask yourself what you really feel for him, and if it is more than just friendship and you really do like him, tell him this too. Just find a way to talk this over even if it does feel really awkward.

Good Luck!!

Email your own thoughts and advice to "Severely Heartbroken".   


              This weeks problems

                       Severely Heartbroken

                       Very Confused
