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Dear Joe
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Welcome to Dear Joe

This website is dedicated to the events and people that have influenced my life. For every event that has happened in my life I make a note of it in my journal. In this case I have decided to post my journal on the Web for all to see. As in almost all my entries I write "Dear Joe."

Dear Joe is an idea I came up with a few years ago. Although the journal dates back to 1999 I lost most of my entries because of a virus. It has been a year since I've decided to start again. Writing has been slow until recently. With the new people I have met thing are going to get real interesting.

Would you like to read about them?


P.S.: You can also read some of my personal poems by clicking here!    Poems


Last Updated: Tuesday July 08, 2003 05:32 PM  E-mail at: or