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Tuesday, April 16, 2002

I've put some more photos up. There are some from my cousin Fiona's wedding, another of Alex and my brother(who's now 3 weeks old! Alex, not my brother) and some of Natalia. You'll find them on myphotos page.

Monday, April 15, 2002

okay, I think things are working! I hope everyone had a great Easter! Firstly, congratulations to Kathy on her wedding!!!
Went to my cousin's wedding last weekend. It was lovely, my cousin just looked beautiful! I'll put some photos up at some point, I just have to get around to it. I've changed my blog host since geocities won't host it no more, I can't get it put up on my site because it won't work, and I can't understand greymatter despite Leigh's wee instruction page. But, this works for the moment, and I'll stick with it. I've had the day off today and I've been quite lazy. I spent the morning in bed reading :) I've applied for my annual leave, so I hope I get it soon. I need to start booking flights. Look out Australia, here I come!!!! (Sometime in October) I'm feeling really excited :)