Poetry in the eyes of me
Disclaimer: This is all copyrighted work.
I have too many poems to only have on one page so I have slit them into groups accordingly. Please vote on which is your most favorite poem in each category.

"Everything has been figured out, except how to live. " - Jean-Paul Sartre
    New Poems - These poems will only be up for a week or two until I put them into the category that the belong to, but this is to show everyone my new work.
    Personal - This is based on personal experiences of mine that I have faced over the past years. this group of poems deals mainly with the troubles of growing up, relationships, and good or bad experiences I have dealt with.
    Life - This group deals with the joys of living. All these poems give a broad insight in living life to the fullest, and how everyone is so lucky to be living. None of these poems are sad, and have a significance much like a proverb or parable.
    Death - These poems deal with the tragedy of death. Inasmuch of the growing fear of death, they also support the fact that there is a heaven and a second life after death. In other words, death is not the end.
    Specific Location- These poems are based on a certain location. Most of these poems are based on Ireland. Those of you who know me well, also know well my growing obsession with Ireland.
    Short Poems- These poems are exactly what the title says. They all fall into the four main groups, however, I do not consider these "full length" poems. These poems are more proverbs and words of wisdom, then poems.
    Poems not written by me - Send me any if you have them.

Note: If you have any comment to make, good or bad, about what I write about, then please e-mail me at Egan_3-16@mailcity.com. As I said before, this is my life, and I don't care if I offend you. If I make you angry or upset about a poem, then I have done a good job in stirring your emotions. Please, take offense to any poem you read, that's what they are there for, but don't go yelling at me to take them off. This is my site, not yours, and we DO live in a country that supposedly has free speech. That is what my site is all about, the use of free speach and self-expression. If you hate me or hate what I write about, I suggest you make your own website that is unoffensive, and boring. However, I will not give in to the ideas or beliefs of anyone else but myself, otherwise, this would not be my work. We all have a place in the world and in the end we will figure out how meaningless life is, and why it is so important not to waste it. No one is special, including me. If you have something good to say, say it to me, but do not praise me for what I do, as I am not important. If I stop writing tomorrow, no one will care. If I make you upset, then don't let it bother you. People in the world today get stressed out over stupid things like these. If I use racist or hateful words, then that is my own decision, not yours. It's only God's job to judge other people.

                                                                                                                                                         Joseph Michael Egan
                                                                                                                                                         March 24, 2001

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