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Depo-Provera Q&A Support Board: for women to find support in one another and to learn from one another.

Try This Message and Support Board: it is for people to share their personal life experiences during or after exposure to Depo-Provera.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility
by Toni Weschler

The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control and Pregnancy Achievement

© 2001-2005
Welcome to Our Depo-Provera Story

Unknown 4/26/2003

I have been on depo for seven years. I am 34 years old with 2 children. I got pregnant while on birth control pills and that is why I started on depo. I had very little weight gain - maybe 5-10 lbs in the 7 years. I have not had a cycle in 7 years. Reading your site - the symptoms I do have are the muscle achiness, depression, irritability and anxiety. Also, I don't have much desire for sexual relations with my husband. I stay on depo because I am scared too get pregnant again. My children our 9 and 7 years old. If I do come off should I go on anything else? Or is it okay to stay on depo indefinitely? My doctor says I can stay on indefinitely. By reading your site I am not so sure.

***Answer: it was never meant to be a long term BC. Recommendation say it stops working properly after 6-7 years of continual use. However I wouldn't recommend anyone to be on it at all.

Lisa 2/24/2003

I wanted to let everyone know my story and how depo provera effected me after only one shot! I used to have very bad periods heavy bleeding & bad cramps that would keep me out of work for 2 days every month. Of course my first shot was when i was having my period. The day I got the shot my period went away within an hour. (I was sooo happy). The second day i had VERY bad cramping, i started getting acnce(i had clear skin my whole life). Then i gained 15 pounds, i didnt care because i was to skinny. The second month was great, no period no cramps acne started to clear up. Then suddenly i started spotting. Then the next month and 2 weeks i bled like i was having my period everyday! It was also followed by very bad cramps which landed me in the hospital. They gave me a temporay pill to stop the bleeding. The minute i was off it i started bleeding like crazy again. I honestly believe depo is horrible & should be illigal. I was bleeding for a little less then 2 months. I'm just starting to stop the bleeding now. Doctors cant even say how long it takes before it will leave your body. If anyone is considering using the form of birth control please re-think it. I don't want anyone else to go though the emotional, stress i went through. Thank you for listening.

Lizzie 4/23/2003

I was shocked by your site I was 19 when I got three shots i fougfht for my life after multiple surgerys and now I'm 24 and they don't know if I will ever get better I have also gained over 150 pounds thanxs to the medicine WoW Thanks

Andrea 4/18/2003

Hi My Name is Andrea:
I am actually writing for my sister who is imprisoned in Texas. They give them the depo provera shot there to control there menstrual cycle. My sister has been bleeding for over 6-7 months since been giving the shot. She keeps requesting a doctor visit but they are constantly rescheduled. I can’t imagine being on your cycle for so long. They are only given a certain number of pads per month for cycles. This shot has been a disaster for her and at this time she has not received any medical attention to date. She asked me to look it up on the internet for her to see what could be found. I am glad to learn that others are having complications also and we are not alone.

Elizabeth 4/11/2003

Thank You for your informative web site!! I have been in the medical field for 15 years as a nurse, and you know that I have never met one gyn who will admit the symptoms are from depro!! I have been on depro for over 6 years and I knew it made you gain weight, and have other side effects. I also have frequent kidney infections, and pain, hair loss, ect. I have stopped the depro as of last month and believe me, coming off of it after a long term is horrible. The symptoms will increase dramatically for a short while, before they subside. Do you know of any class action suites? Thanks again, and I wish you the best!!

Missy 4/7/2003

I'm so glad I found it. I couldn't figure out how to post on it, so I am emailing you with my story.

I took 2 Depo shots before I decided I want to have children. When I tried to go off the shot, I menstruated for 4 weeks. Finally, I got frustrated and went back on the shot while my husband and I were buying a home. We figured we can always get pregnant the next year. My last shot was in Oct '02. By December I was bleeding again. So I told my doctor I don't want to go back on the shot b/c we are trying to concieve, but I need something to control my periods. She put me on a 10-day dose of Provera. She said that by the end of the 10 days I should stop bleeding and then in 10 more days, my period would return to normal. She was WRONG!! On the tenth day (the last dose) of taking Provera I broke out in hives! From head to toe. The last time I took Provera was on Jan 31, 2003. It is now April 6th and I still have hives. My periods did stop, but never started again and now I am spotting. So I am taking birth control pills (against my better judgement) to try and get my period back in hopes of getting rid of the hives. (If you've ever had hives, you know you'll try anything to get rid of them!)

So what does this have to do with Depo you ask? I just cashed in my last hope and called the manufacturer of Provera (Pharmicia) to ask them what can reverse the reaction of the drug. I told the rep on the phone my story just as I told it above, and she said the hives could've been caused from the Depo, and it takes 9 months to completely get out of my system. I told her I never had any side effects from the Depo and it just so happened that I broke out after taking the Provera. She stuck to her story. I tried everything I could think of to get help from her, but that's all she would say. What do I think of this?

1. I hate hives!
2. I think she was putting it off on another company's drug
3. If I (the consumer) can't get help from the manufacturers or my doctors (who don't know how to help me - even a dermatologist) who can I get it from?
4. The drug companies are lying to us and blaming other corporations for their own mess-ups.
5. Maybe it was the Depo. If so, has anyone else had this happen to them?

I am at my wits end. I can't get rid of hives and they are so frustrating. If you've ever done a Google search for hives, you'll find horror stories from people that just make you want to cry! Some people have "chronic" hives which mean they'll never get rid of them. I would like to think I'm not one of them, but it's not looking so good at this point. I've tried everything to get rid of them. Even homepathic and herb remedies won't do it, much less pharmaceuticals. Thank you for listening.

Jennifer 4/4/2003

Hi my name is Jennifer and I to was on depo for only about 6 months after the birth of my daughter.. I have now been of the depo shot for 2 yr. and 4 months with no return of my period. My husband and I are trying to conceive and are now being seen by a fertility specialist. I was told that the depo may stay in your body for 2yrs I'm past that mark and I'm worried that I will never be able to have another baby. My doctor has put me on prometrium(used to induce menstral cycle) and that's the only way my period will start, I'm also not ovulating on my own and have been put on clomid. How long did it take for your cycles to return and how long after your last shot did it take you to get pregnant? Any info would be great I really enjoy your web site it gives me a little hope still. Thank you,

Tania 4/4/2003 My story starts back sometime in December of 2001. I received a call from my best friend of over 25 years. She was concerned about her extreme mood-swings. She told me she was fine one minute and the next she would be crying her eyes out, and yelling at her husband for no reason. She said she went to the doctor and asked her what to do. Her doctor said that she'd just have to wait for the Depo provera to get out of her system. To this, my friend said, I don't think I CAN wait. What exactly did that doctor THINK she meant. Less than a week after I spoke to her she took her own life. She had EVERYTHING to live for a wonderful husband, adorable son, and a brand new miracle baby. I loved her so much, she has always been more like a sister than a friend. I truly blame Depo Provera for this heartache that we're all suffering now. She did it on one of those "mood swings" that everybody talks about. I know this because she had loaded her car full of gifts to be delivered later that day. If she had "planned" this, she wouldn't have made plans to do something else that exact day. The same day that Linda died, another woman (in Atlanta) lost her own battle due to a blood clot in the brain. This stuff is poison! Something HAS to be done, somebody MUST be accountable for all of the lives lost and destroyed because of this "Medicine".
Melissa T. 4/3/2003

I read your site and am having side effects from the depo shot. I had only one injection and found it was not for me. I am also having severe acne. My face is sore and I can't control it. My ob-gyn dismissed the idea that it was related to the injection. How did you get it under control?

My first and only injection was December 2, 2002 and I am still bleeding. Can you give me and idea as to when this will stop. My ob said it would take a while to totally get out of my system, but still would not give me a definite answer.

Judy 3/20/2003

my daughter is 47 yrs old she started depo in her 20's and continued on for a number of years with no problems but as she keeps things to herself perhaps she did not tell me but now at age 47 she has been coping with cystic breasts for at least five years. i mean hundreds of cysts and she has small breasts is there anyone out there with a connection of this to depo there is no history of cystic disease in the family - could this be a long term side effect of depo her only hope of ridding herself of this is to have bilateral mastectomy her gynae is deceased but he gave it to her in good faith and his records are still available -

***Yes there is a connection!

Kylie M. 3/20/2003

iam still suffering the horrific effects of depo ihave had 3 miscarriages and a baby diagnosed at 20 weeks gestation with a very rare chromosomal abnormality iam desperatley trying to find other women who have had the depo shot and have had trouble falling pregnant or have had a baby with any abnormalities? i have a feeling that this shot does more to women than make us sick, feel like we're going crazy...........thank you for your informative site all the women affected by this drug find comfort in caring people like yourself. hope to hear from you soon

Teri 3/16/2003

Please send me any info you have on the side effects when you are getting off the shot? My daughter took her last shot three months ago after 5 (or more) years. She is feeling very bloated, fatigued, and generally irritable. I appreciate your help.

Megan 3/15/2003

I had two experiences with Depo. The first was when I was 20 years old, and I had severe migraines, painful cyst-like acne, and weight gain. I stopped taking the shots after three doses, not realizing that the Depo was solely to blame. Since the symptoms didn't cease after I stopped the shots, I thought maybe it was my own body chemistry that was the problem. Doctors blamed everything on stress. Within a year I became so depressed that I attempted suicide. Following the suicide attempt, I had a 3-month bout with gastroesophogeal reflux disease and I had both upper and lower endoscopies, which determined that I had a cluster of ulcers in the small intestine. Once again, doctors blamed everything on stress. Five years later I was asked by my gynecologist to try Depo Provera. I was hesitant, but he convinced me that any uncomfortable side effects would gradually go away, and my body would adjust. So I tried it, but after one shot I realized that any more of that drug would kill me. That was eight months ago, and I have been suffering all of the same side effects as before, only with ten times the magnitude. The migraines came every day for 3 months, and were unbearable! I am now 15 pounds overweight, eating healthy foods, and training for triathlons five days out of the week with no ability to lose the extra pounds. I am depressed for no substantial reason, and I do not get a period anymore. The doctor is trying to induce my period now, but has been so far unsuccessful. I am in pain and fatigued most of the time, but I am researching, and finding out all the ways to (1) get well again, and (2) get Depo off of the market so that no more women are poisoned by this drug.

Betty L. 3/12/2003

I wanted to let you know that I quit taking the depo about 11 months ago and just recently started my period for the first time. I have been on my period for a month and had to go to the doctor. Per my doctor, I have lost alot of blood and still going. If they are unable to stop the bleeding, they will have to admit me. This week I am unable to stand for a long period of time due to dizzy spells, and feeling drained. I think the worst part of this is that I've gained alot of weight getting off the Depo. I would not recommend this to anyone

Mena 3/5/2003

Several To many Side Affects---Ruined Me.. First taken in 1993-1994

1: many vaginitis and pid's, cholecticitis, migraines, fatigue, eye lesions, blood in urine and stool. Cramps, Some weight gain. was a size 3.. gained 30 lbs in 6 mnths.

2. Acitve years 1995-1998
fairly the same okay---remember active in dancing and exercise. and keeping buisy, weight gain, still minor problems that were not determined related to depo..not to many periods, more vaginits,, never ending story !! and infections

3: 1998--2000
hot flashes, nausea, blurred vision, fatigue, of course more weight gain, vomitting, hormones are crazy, no periods whatsoever. still vaginitis, was given oral medication that now leaves a scent but dr's say is normal. legs are beginning to swollen, and am beginning to get more leg pains and back pains, left side ovarian pain (constantly), still trying to exercise but not helping with weight gain.

4: 2000-2003---oh this is the good one.. 8 yrs later..
same symptoms, a break out of new and forever lasting acne type rash, does not go away, more even, more weight gain. by now it has been almost 100 lbs more. Started at 130 now 218 lbs. never ends, still growing, complete and unbelievable hair loss, severe knee pain, leg bones hurt to the touch, ankels giving out on me while standing or walking both ankels. still left side ovary pain, severe migraines that now last 5 days sometimes in a row. Liquid flowing from the base of my skull to the top of my head, i can hear it and feel it, on the spinal neck cord. nausea, depression, anger, mood swings to violent, swollen body everywhere, eye sight is getting worse. Menapause time symptoms, hormonal imbalance but no dr seems to care or look at this twice. All testing's come out negative as if i am fine. ???? skin problems, acne everywhere, painful intercourse, lack of sex drive now, which i never ever had a problem with. used to be very much into it, don't want it.

As far as I am concerned, Upjohn needs to be sued. I will never take birth control again. and yes they are misleading every notation in their pamphlets. NOT ONLY is this used for sex offenders, it used to be used to FATTEN UP CATTLE. What a coincidence, the sad thing I remember specifically asking why all the female cattles could not get up on their on four legs, they would fall to the ground and never be able to walk again and of course die out.


Noelle 3/3/2003

Hi I am 34 years old and been on the shot for 4 years. I had not experienced any bad side effects at all. I did not have a period either which was great. I am now 23 weeks pregnant and got a shot when I was 6 weeks pregnant. I am very concerned for the health of my child. I have had many ultra sounds but I have been told we will not know much of anything until he is born in June. I am scared to say the least and have been trying to find women who have had children under the same circumstances. Can you please help!?!? Thanks for any info you can provide-and God bless you for starting this web site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Veronika 2/27/2003

Hi, It took me 5 years to return to my "normal life", but only to 90%, not all 100%. Today, I just feel positive, that the rest of 10% will come back too one day. From those 5 years three of them I literally suffered. I had only one shot, the first and the last in my life. My believe? Side effects of this drug cause broken relationships and families. Result - never, never, never, never never ever again! I would recommend everyone natural birth control, which I use successfully for four years.

Christina 2/22/2003

I was on the depo shot for about a year and a half. My husband and I are trying to get pregnat now. It has been almost four months since I was supposed to get my last shot. I think I may be pregnat now. I have to wait for the blood test results. I would not advise anyone to go on the depo shot. I was never told about fertlity problems after the shot.

Elizabeth 2/19/2003

Just a quick email to say thank you for the herbal help information, my periods resumed within 2 months of taking the suggested herbs thank You.

Kamarie P. 2/14/2003

Hi my name is Kamarie Prout. I reasonably decide to get off Depo. My last shot was in Nov of 02. I've been on Depo for almost 5 years. I'm 18 years old. My doctor recommended it to me because I had such heavy periods when I was younger.

About July of 02 I met a guy who was wonderful in all aspects. He moved in with me and we were together and happy. Then I started not going to school, our bed room life had totally gone down hill. I knew I had to do something. I was depressed I couldn't get out of bed. I was tired and very irritable all the time. So I did some research on Depo and found out all the side affects. I immediately told my doctor to put me on the pill, so he prescribed rtho trio syclin. I was on that for 2 months and I was bleeding all the time. I could not were anything nice for it would get ruined. Finally I talked to my doctor and I'm currently on N-150, he told me that it was one of the strongest pill on the market. I've been taking those for about 1 1/2 month. And it has made me stop bleeding. My mood swings are terrible, my boyfriend couldn't take it any more, because we were always fighting and I was always being a Royal Bitch. So he moved out and now I'm not only trying to piece back my life but get my emotions straitened out and go back to school. Coming off of depo and being on it is one of the worst experiences in my life. I just hope that one day everything will be back to normal. And I think I'm actually looking forward to having a regular menstrual period. I would not recommend this birth control to any one.

It has messed up my life beyond belief.

Lesley 2/12/2003

Hi, I recently was on your website and read your story that is really horrible. I was just wondering you said that you gained 20-30 pounds was that when you were on the depo shot, and if so, did you lose the weight after you got off the shot. Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon.

Kara 2/8/2003; Maryland

I took depo for about 2 years. During depo I had no symptoms, but now that I'm off I have a ton. I stopped Depo 10 months ago, still no period, but I have cramps almost all the time, that make me sick and put me to my knees. I went thru the hot flashes and mood swings months ago. The Drs. checked my hormone levels and said they were fine, but were concerned because in my urine test I had too many white blood cells. I wasn;t given anything, they said I was fine. The Drs. also told me to keep taking preg. tests every couple of month because I could get pregnant at any time. So here I sit missing work because I can't stand for long periods of time and not getting any answers just put off like its all in my head. Thanks for listening.

D.Petty 2/7/2003

Do you know of anyone who has gotten the Depo shot and later find out that they were already pregnant at the time they recieved the shot? If so, was there any damage done to the baby due to the depo-provera drug? Where can I get this info?
P.S. The doctor did give me a test and it showed negative, then they gave me the Depo shot. Two weeks later I found out that I was five weeks pregnant.

Melissa 2/3/2003

Hi, It's great that other people can tell about their experiences with depo. I feel though,that their are risks with any bc method you try. I had an iud put in, because i had read about ALL the side effects of the depo shot,and i knew that it wasn't for me. I know that my doctor gave me a pamplet to read before i decided for every option i had. i knew from the start that i didn't want to gain weight,because I was already a little over weight from having my daughter. She is now 4 1/2 months old, and i an having problems with my iud. for the first 2 months my periods were fine, but now for the past month or so,i have been spotting off and on. It has effected my sex life with my fiance, i've had more mood swings because i just want a normal period. It doesn't help that everything that could go wrong in my life has ion the past month (thats because of all the cold weather) I dont know if i'm going though post pardum depression, or if it's just from a lack of a full period. I also go through days where i take care of my daughter and am able to clean everything through out my house, but other days i take care of her and just cant seem to do much. I get cramps and back and stomach spasms, headaches. I also know that anemia comes along with having an iud, and i feel that i am anemic,because i have less energy now,and sometimes cant seem to get out of my own way. Has anyone else gone through this, is this post pardum depression, or maybe from my lack of a period? If anyone else has had an iud put in, or gone through something similar to my story.

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