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The Poetry Of..
Nathan A. Baker..............................................
Dandelion Child

He lived between the cracks
And like a wind blown seed
Growth was stunted
Dandelion child
Yellow hair; eyes matching
The summer sky

Most viewed him as a weed
Others saw a flower's petals
In his conciliate nature
War did not distract
From his life's mission
He faced his fears

Releasing gallant acts of bravery
Like dandelion seed to the wind

The Kindness of Strangers

3 a.m. and chest pain rattles reality as
Blockage stabs its knife centering
Beneath ribcage, and fire burns
Down shoulders to elbows.

Nausea and weakness follow
As the vise-like tightness is
Exaggerated chest center and
Both arms radiate discomfort.

So we head out to emergency room
Where we are greeted, and eagerly
Rolled by gurney into an examination
Room. Colorful electrical wires

Are pasted to skin, and erratic lines
Appear on a monitor's lighted screen
Three nitroglycerin pills are administered:
The stabbing pain in chest eases almost

Immediately, and pressure in chest reduces
Like an untied birthday party balloon
Hissing into the quietness of nothing.
Twenty-four hours, cardiac catheterization,

And two coronary drug-eluding stents later
Wise and skillful hands restore love's flow.

Christmas Wishes

The little boy sat down in Santa's lap
His big brown eyes never once leaving the aged
Face of the bearded red-suited man
He just sat staring for the longest time
I sensed his nervousness
And reluctance to speak
And Santa must have too,
So he just sat there holding the child
And when Santa asked the boy
What it was that he wanted for Christmas
Was it a bike, or a perhaps a video game
The little fellow with tears replied:
For my daddy to come back home...

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