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Winter Issue
Aglow In The Season of Lights

Vol.7, Issue 5
Date of Issue, December 1, 2008

No matter the cold~ harsh, windy~ howl,
December brings a rash of lights, a crazy web
of wowing sights, the warmth of cheer~ the nests
of firesides commandeered by friends and hosts
who want us near, when hearts are full~ where
words are air.

Nathan A. Baker
Karen Corcoran Dabkowski
Steve De France
Henri Dumolet
Al Ferber
Kenneth P. Gurney
Jan Oskar Hansen
Peycho Kanev
Harold Lorin
Paul Lutton
Rick Marlatt
Francis Masat
David B. McCoy
Deborah Rey
John Shaw
Kenneth Widmerpool
Sarah Zang

Startling in content as well as clarity of rendering,
the surreal, disturbing and beautiful gallery of artist
Ray Caesar, who has the rare ability to fascinate as well as
repel. The artist's nightmarish vision of a sexualized
childhood, replete with domination and control

enacted by almost waxlike elfin children.
The ability to make us look and look and look~
is an artist's greatest gift. Ray Caesar is one of those
hypnotic painters who bores into the soul to
astound and to shake us in new ways.


December's Editorial

Why do YOU write?
by ruffledpanties

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After The Fruit: Raging
Outside of Eden

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