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The Poetry Of..
Paul Lutton............................................................

Blind On Purpose

I had glimpsed something that was me but at the same time much greater than me
It seemed the most important thing ever
It seemed to be the meaning of life
I tried to tell everyone but they were too busy working
And making sure that their children did their homework
So that they too could get jobs
That would shield them from the pure joy of being

True Truth

She wandered about in words and concepts
Snaggled and frazzled amongst their viney logic
Scraped and bruised yet determined to find the right ones
That would finally be the true truth above all truths
And she said, "God, what is the true truth?"
And God said, "yes"
And she said, "Fuck, you, God".
And God said, "yes"

Easy Like Laughter

I was freezing in the summer heat
Wondering why I wasn't having a better time
Like the people in the commercials
Drinking Bud Lite with lime and playing volleyball
And I thought of the po boys in Harmony Pennsylvania
Who went fishing for blue gill in the crick
And drank Iron City casually in the kitchen while 14
With floor panels missing
And in a moment of intense longing
I so wanted to be those boys
With expectations so low
That living in the now would come easy like laughter

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