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The Poetry Of...
Kenneth P. Gurney.......................................

Metro Men's Room Tuesday

Timothy sucks
donkey balls
dot GOV
extension scratched
blue ballpoint
on drab-grey
painted stall door.

Motion sensor flush
messing around
graphic novel brainiac

Young man, dirty
blue jeans, face
rinsed clean
turns hot air nozzle
skyward, blow dries
chin to forehead.
Pursuit of Happiness
no-home-body querry
Definitely Not!

Suit, necktie fiddler,
mirror mutters,
I gotta get
a cuppa-cuppa
before boardroom
boredom begins,

red line eye whites,
stack of Kinkos
full color reports
precariously balanced
on briefcase.

Recycle brown
paper towel wad,
long three-pointer
at soundless buzzer.
Score! Balston bottom
orange line time
is now. See ya.

Barbie Turns 48

figures she's made enough money
to retire early, revive her waistline
from the Victorian ideal, herringbone corsets,
broken ribs; indulge couch potato aspirations,
catch up on all the TV episodes
she's been between, but never seen.

She daydreams a tour of old cathedrals
in Europe, to touch the bones of saints,
learn if religion has more depth
than glamour.

In Paris she'd audition
boy toys for her own pleasure,
get them to dress and undress
at her whim.

She slips out of the house
in paint slopped sweats & no logo t-shirt,
runs down to White Castle, buys a bag
full of sliders, a supersized fries and diet coke,
then rents a video—that Klimt movie
with John Malkovich.


I am not afraid of light
or using it to illuminate love.

This is not easy to say
as I have often been
the target of stone words
and the skull crushing
of judgmental fear.

I am ashamed of the times
I hid in shadows,
failed to bring stars
to those in need, keep
them safe from words
that bite like wolves,
the packs of persecutors
who hunt the meek.

The house I live in
is built with walls
of helping hands
and a roof of words
that express safekeeping,
a transparent roof
where you can see the stars
that bless this house
with light.

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