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Poems: The depressing ones.

Lord thank you for Your warm embrace,
Thank you for your loving grace.
You held me close and closed my eyes
To all the fear and sorrow outside.
You protected me and kept me from harm
Safe and warm in your loving arm
When all around was sorrow and pain
You kept me away, you kept me sane.
Thank you for the tears I cry,
But most of all thank you for not letting my mother die.

Mother don't blame yourself for what I am about to do
It's hard to explain all I've been through
My life is jumbled with so many things,
All of the noise is making my ears ring.
I love you all but I've had enough.
All of the sudden life has become to rough.
My heart is pounding I've had my fill.
All of the stress is making me physically ill.
My head really hurts, my stomach is churning
It feels as though my whole world is turning.
I hope you're not sad, I hope you don't cry,
I want to leave, I just want to die.
You'll understand, I know you will
Of this life I've had my fill
I love you so much, goodbye mother,
I'll see you again, not in this life but another.