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Assassin: n; A Muderer For Hire

(or A Good Wizard is Hard To Come By These Days)

"Heero!" Mysteria said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He stood there and said nothing. She took a step back and hit his arm. "Where have you been for the past three years?"

"I don't know. I was attacking an enemy knight and one of the dark mages was casting a spell of some sort when Darian* bumped into him. The spell was cast and I ended up here three months ago. It seems I have lost three years of my life."

"What words was the mage using? Do you remember?"

"Something like 'tey-nah obli, ven" or something."

"The oblivion spell." She smiled remembering the first time she had cast it. She was supposed to send a frog to oblivion but she but she accidentally looked away from it and at her uncle. It is a good thing he had a quick counter spell.

"Well now that you are here, do you want to join Ravenswood? You can't stay in that motel forever." She asked.

"Actually I have been sleeping on the streets. The hotel was just taking messages for me while I was looking for you, hoping that you would find me." His voice got quieter as he talked. It was hard for him to tell her how much he cared. He had been taught that such emotions only got in the way of the goal. But what was his goal now? Three years had gone by without him. The war was probably over; even if it wasn't he had no way of getting home. Mysteria didn't have the training for such difficult transportation spells. "Yes. I'll join." He said simply.


Meanwhile outside the girls bunkroom... "You can't go in dere! If you'se so much as cause 'er ta break a nail so help me I'll... eep!" Rebel had been ramming the door trying to get in when Mysteria opened it.

"Rebel it's alright. He's my friend."

Rebel stood up and straightened her hair and shirt. "In dat case, hello, uh, Mysteria's friend."

"Heero." Mysteria told her and smiled.

"Heero? Pleased ta meet cha!" Rebel smiled and held out her hand.

"Charmed." Heero took her hand and kissed it lightly.

"Heero is going to join us here at Ravenswood." Mysteria's smile was the brightest Rebel had ever seen on her. Not even when Mysteria was performing slight of hand magic was her smile so broad. It made Rebel smile to see Mysteria so happy.

"Heero and I are going out to celebrate his return. We probably won't be back for a long while so don't worry about us." Mysteria grabbed her robe and belt and left with Heero following solemnly behind. Mysteria practically skipped out of the lodging house.


Mysteria stopped in the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge. She hadn't realized how far they had walked. The sun's first rays were just touching the waters below. "Three Years and you have no idea where you were."

"No. I hate this. I missed the whole war!"

"Heero." Mysteria put her hand on his arm.

"How did it go. How are things back home?"

"The war was," She paused "Darian died. He lasted a whole year his mage; all mages were able to join their knights after the first six months. #The most powerful mages joined a month into battle. We almost lost. You would have loved it."

"Maybe I should join the soldiers of this world."

"No. Please. I don't want to sit here wondering if you are still alive. On this world they won't ever let me join you."

"Then I won't go. I never want to be away from you for that long again." Heero pulled out a small box. Mysteria could now see the full sun in the sky. "I want to do this the way they do it here. It seems better this way. Makes it more real." He kneeled down on one knee and opened the box. "Mysteria, will you marry me?" She stood there her face hidden in the shadow of her hood. She was glad. She wasn't sure what to think. All his life Heero had held fighting above everything. She was always second but now he seemed to be putting her first.

"I...I...yes." She said quietly. Heero kissed her passionately. They had known they were to be married since they were 10 but now she knew he really wanted it as much as she did. She flung her arms around his neck. For the first time since Daize, her cousin died, he hugged her back.

"Hey love birds, what're ya doin' on our bridge?" two guys walked up to them. One was wearing a derby.

"We are just enjoying the beautiful view."

"Well dis is our bridge so leave."

"Show me proof of ownership and we will leave." Heero said defiantly.

"Leave or we'll throw ya off!"

"You and what army?"

One of the strangers threw a punch at Heero. Heero knocked the guy to the ground; he laid there the wind knocked out of him. The other guy grabbed Mysteria.

"Let her go."

The guy pulled out a knife and held it to her throat. In the blink of an eye Heero had the guy on the ground about to kill him with his own knife.

"Heero! No. Don't kill him."

Heero shoved the guy into the ground and got up. The strangers rose and ran off.


April 20, 1902
"Come on Ladies and Gentlemen! Try your luck! 5 cents a try!" 23 years old and Robert was still doing street magic. Just once he would like to go on stage or do some huge trick like the great Harry Houdini. 19 out of 20 times Robert won the old cups & balls trick. He could have won all the time but letting the poor saps win once in a while is what kept him in business.

"Thank you for playing miss, please come back and try your luck again." He said to a young blonde as he tipped back his black newsy hat. Robert is skilled at ledgermein, and could fool almost anyone on the street.

"Hello." Mysteria, carrying several newspapers walked up to Robert and his little set up.


"Hello miss what's your name?" He asked thinking her another potential sap. 'Jeez! Her hair's long' he thought. Her long black hair reached her knees.

"I am Mysteria. What do they call you?"


"Oh, how did you come by that name?"

"It's because I love magic and I'm very skilled at it."

"You mean illusions."

"Call it what you want, but can you do this?" He took a small red ball from under a cup and placed it on top. He then placed a second cup on top. He tapped the stack twice with his right index finger then lifted the stack and the ball appeared back under the first cup. There was an ooohhh from the small crowd that had gathered.

Mysteria took the ball and put it in the palm of her left hand. She closed her hand and opened it again. The ball was gone. She showed both sides of both hands then told Wizard to hold out his hand. He did. She told him to close it and open it again. The ball appeared there in his right palm. He looked at Mysteria suspiciously.

"How'd you do that?"

"Magic isn't all smoke and mirrors." She said and walked off hawking headlines leaving him with a look of amazement.


Meanwhile back at Ravenswood...
"Hello, I heard there was room here for me." A girl with an English accent stood there clad in an old dress. Her bright blue eyes filled with hope.

"Yes, of course there is a place for you here." Said an old woman. "Here, just fill this out and we will get you settled." The girl set down in a nearby chair and began answering questions.

Name: Irene Kathleen Morwenna
She thought a moment. 'Nimue!' The only love of Merlin the Magician!

The next day Wizard was in his same spot only with a different trick. This one consisted of a handkerchief and a lit candle, which kept multiplying. His hat was on the stand in front of him slowly filling with various coins.

"Bat baby boy born in Bronx!" Mysteria walked by selling her papers when she heard someone call her. She looked around to see Protector standing behind her with a small box in hand. She looked at him suspiciously. "What's that?" She asked.

"A replacement."

"For what?" she asked as she opened it. Inside was a silver angel necklace just like the one he had given her years ago. It had broken when some redheaded jerk wanted to give Mysteria a 'message' for Rebel. Mysteria kissed Protector on the cheek after he put the delicate chain around her neck.

A boy with dark curly hair and a hat full of coins waked up to them. "I...uh... Mysteria that trick you did the other day," he spoke hesitantly because Protector didn't seem very friendly, "how is it done?"

Mysteria smiled. "You're the Wizard, you figure it out." Wizard looked over at Protector who still wasn't smiling. Protector slipped a piece of paper into Mysteria's hand and walked away.

"Is he your body guard?"

Mysteria looked back and watched Protector turn a corner then looked back at Wizard. "He's my fiancé. He doesn't trust many people and loves to fight."


"You don't have to worry. He doesn't get jealous easily."

"That's good. He has no reason to be jealous, I saw the girl of my dreams today."

"Oh really? I don't believe in love at first sight."

"She is as obsessed with magic as I am. We talked about Merlin and King Arthur for two hours. I really like her. Her English accent is amazing!"

"You want to grab a bite to eat?" Mysteria asked.

"You buying?"

"You bet."



A small café in Queens...
"So Wizard, where did you learn magic?" Mysteria asked as she took a bite of her bratwurst and sauerkraut.

"I taught myself."


"Yeah. My parents moved us around a lot. When I was seven I saw Harry Houdini perform and I knew I had to figure out his tricks. I spent all my money on how-to books for magic. It gave me a way to make friends quickly." He said, then added "and enemies."

"I know how you feel. Magic can get you into trouble. It's part of the reason I am staying at Ravenswood instead of back home with my family."

"Where is home?"

"Far away."

"What, you don't trust a fellow magician?"

"No, I trust you but you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

Just then Protector walked up. "Eating out and you didn't invite me?" He asked as he sat down beside Mysteria.

"Wizard, this is my fiancé Protector, Protector... Wizard, my new friend." Mysteria introduced them gesturing to each as she said their names.

"Is this the magician you've told me about?"

"Yes. He looked hungry so I'm taking him out for lunch."

"You didn't take me out for lunch the day after we met."

"We were two. Neither of us could cross the street without our parents much less go out to eat!" she said and laughed. Protector came dangerously close to smiling.

A waiter came by slightly bemused by the new guy at the table.

"Get me some bratwurst and sauerkraut." Protector told him and the waiter hurried off.

"So Protector, how did you get that nick?"

"I am a" he paused for a second to think, "soldier. My war is over so my mission is to protect the only person on this earth that I trust."

"Okay, then I'll try not to make you mad." Wizard said quietly. "So tell me about the war."

"We went to battle several years ago. I had been training my whole life for it and I couldn't wait. Unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy much of it. A week into battle... I can't remember. I remember the first week and then, nothing. Next thing I remember is waking up in an alley here, in Queens."

"That's real interesting." Wizard took a sip of soda. "What was your life like before the war."

"That reminds me, we should send a message back home." Mysteria said.

"No, HE might intercept it."

"But they're worried."

"It's too dangerous!" Protector was getting slightly agitated.

"Why is it dangerous?" Wizard asked. Protector shot him a cold look. Mysteria glared at Protector, and Wizard just looked confused.

"Okay, I won't ask."

A silence fell over the table. Protector's food arrived and Mysteria asked Wizard if he knew how to do escapes.

His face lit up. "Yea! Sure! Do you wanna see one?" he asked excitedly.

"How about I tie you to that chair." Protector said darkly, pulling out a rope.

"Too easy. Tie me to the chair and handcuff me." Wizard replied flipping a pair of handcuffs onto the table.

"Fine, but with my handcuffs. Those are probably rigged."

"Piece of cake. But dare I ask why you have handcuffs."

"Go ahead and ask." Protector said as he began to bind Wizard up.

"Okay, why do you have handcuffs?"

"It does not concern you."

"Then why'd you tell me to ask?"

"You'll get no where asking him questions like those. I quit asking when I was 6." Mysteria chimed in watching in amusement.

"Make sure you get them tight." Wizard said.


"Oof! That's tight enough."

"Just doing what you asked."

"Well you're doing a bang up job of it!" he said as Protector finished his last knot.

"There." Protector said as he sat down.

"Now for the fun part." Wizard retorted as he began to untie the ropes.

"Wizard, where are you staying?" asked Mysteria.

"Here and there."

"There is room at Ravenswood Lodging House where Protector and I are staying."

"What are the requirements?"

"Pay rent, fill out an application. The rent isn't much and Mrs. Corcoran understands when you can't pay on time. Most of us are newsies and so we can't afford much."

Protector finished eating and sat back.

"Sounds reasonable. Give me a few days to think about it." He said as he laid the ropes on the table. "Wow, Protector your knots are pretty good."

"Wizard your wrists." Mysteria said slightly angst-ridden. He looked at his wrists. The ropes had cut through the skin. Protector leaned back, arms crossed 'this guy's too good' he thought. Wizard picked up a napkin and wrapped it around his bleeding wrist. "Very good knots." He said quietly.

A waiter came by with the ticket. Mysteria began to pick it up but Protector got to it first. He looked at it then laid $5.20 on the table and left.

"Friendly isn't he?"

"He has to get to know you. He had very few friends' back home but he could trust every one of them with more than his life. There were five of them. They were very close. It was hard to get them to let anyone in their group but once in you could feel safe for the rest of your life."

"What happened to them?"

"Darian and Daize died in battle. Daize was my cousin. Lukas and Chaim are still at home safe as far as I know."

"I'm sorry about your cousin."

"Don't be. It isn't your fault and he is much happier now than we are." She said not at all mournful.

"You seem very confident in that."

"I am. He is now with his maker and will be much happier than us until we meet our maker."

The waiter came by and took the money and ticket and began clearing the table.

"I need to go now. I will talk to you later." She stood.

"I look forward to it."

Mysteria walked out of the café and back toward the Lodging House. "Hey, did ya give my message to da Bitch?" The redheaded boy came out from the shadows of the alley. "Oh, it's you again." Mysteria kept walking when she noticed Protector watching from the opposite alley.

"Yeah, I have another message."

"I wouldn't if I were you."

"Well, yer not." He said as he blackened her eye.

The next thing the boy knew he was being attacked by some one much better at fighting than he was. A few minutes later he was laying on the ground regretting hitting her, a knife to his throat.

"Heero! No! This place isn't like home! You can't go around killing people!"

The redheaded boy looked painfully at that the guy that held his life at the edge of a knife.

"What is your name?" Protector asked him.


"Well Dinias, I suggest you run before I change my mind."

Dinias got up and backed away then turned and ran.

"Are you alright."

"I am fine, but I think you broke his ribs."

"He deserved it." Protector put his arm around Mysteria and they walked toward the Lodging House.

"Hey, Protector dat was awesome fightin'!" Rebel had seen the fight between Dinias and Protector.

"I am a soldier. I was trained to fight."

"Yeah well dey trained you well."


That night everyone was gathered in the parlor. Mysteria was performing slight-of-hand magic with a deck of cards. The parlor floor was already littered with three decks she had pulled out of thin air.

"Wow. That's amazing! " Nimue commented.

"No, it's prestidigitation" Mysteria changed a deck of cards into Aces.

"Sometimes I think the things you magicians do are impossible."

Mysteria just smiled glancing at Protector.

After a few more tricks everyone headed off to bed.


"Hey, what's your name?" Mysteria whispered to the new girl in the bunk beside her.

"Nimue. You're Mysteria right?"

"Yeah. Where are you from? What's your story?"

"I'm from England."'

"What part?"


"Have you met any interesting people yet?"

"There was this street magician... he was performing simple slight-of-hand. It was interesting none-the-less, oh, and you should have seen his eyes, they were very handsome." "Oh really? I have a friend that is a street magician."

"I wonder if it could be the same person."

"Do you know his name?"

"No. I wonder if I will ever see him again."

I bet you meet him tomorrow. Hey you want to sell with me tomorrow?"

"Sure. You can help me learn my way around.

"Good night Nimue."

"Good night."


Earlier that evening...
"Two-thousand dollars. One thousand today, one thousand after it's done." A man sat in a chair with a bag in front of him. Protector picked it up.

"I want the headlines to read "Senatorial candidate assassinated in home. I want papers to sell like wild fire. He lives alone so it should be easy."

Protector nodded and left. He waited around at Ravenswood until everyone was asleep then headed to the other side of Queens where the rich people lived.


A man lay in bed asleep. His dreams were of the Senate. A hand over his mouth rudely awakened him. "Shh." Protector said as he put handcuffs on the man. He took him down to the library of his gargantuan house. As they walked into the library the man asked, "What do you want from me?"

"It's not me." Protector said as he shoved the guy onto a couch.

"Then what?"

"Someone wants headlines. I'm the one who will supply them" He pulled out a gun and shot the man in the head.


"Senatorial candidate murdered!" Mysteria hawked as her, Nimue, and Protector walked down the street.

"What kind of person would do such a thing? Nimue asked.

"I don't know but it sure makes a good headline." Protector replied nonchalantly.

"The criminal mind sure is fascinating. I wonder what the assassin was thinking." Nimue said.

He was probably thinking about the thrill of controling wheather or not a man lived or died." Protector replied.

"I wonder how much a human soul goes for these days." Nimue said just as she saw the street magician. '$2000' He thought. "Curious little girl isn't she?" He said to Mysteria.


As Wizard watched the beautiful English girl he had met earlier came walking towards him. "Got any new tricks to show me?" she asked.

"Yeah. Write your name on this card."

She did and he burned it with a candle sitting on his table. He took the ashes and rubbed them on his arm. Magically her name appeared on his arm. A look of shock came over her face.

"So nice to meet you Nimue." He said as he kissed her hand.

"It seems I am at a disadvantage sir. You know my name but I do not know yours."

"Wizard, at your service." He said bowing gracefully. Nimue's heart was pounding. This boy was everything she had ever dreamed about and more. Nimue was at a loss for words.

"Tell me about yourself. I want to know everything." Wizard said offering her a seat. "How did you get the name Nimue?"

"It's a nickname, a reflection of my love of magic."

Wizard smiled. "So you want to betray a magician you love?" he said playfully. "I'd better stay away from you." Wizard said looking deep into her blue eyes. She laughed lightly; to him it sounded like music.

"No. I just want to love one." She had never felt this comfortable talking to anyone before, she would have told Wizard anything he asked.

"Where are you from and what brings you to New York?" he asked.

"I am from Olney, England and I came to America because I have always wanted to return to the place of my birth, Roswell New Mexico. But after seeing New York, I have decided to stay here. What about you?" she replied.

"My family traveled all over when I was young. I spent very little time in one place. I learned magic in an effort to make friends quickly. One day my family decided to move and I decided to stay, and so here I am. I figured New York was big enough that I could disappear into a crowd if I wanted to. I spent so much time in small towns where everyone knew what everyone else was doing."

"I know what you mean. In Olney if you didn't know what you were doing, the gossip crowd could tell you."

"I'm glad you chose to stay here. Otherwise we would not have met." Nimue said.

They talked a while longer then parted so that Nimue could sell her papes, but promised to meet again.


"It was you, wasn't it." Mysteria said after a while.

"Yes." Protector confessed.

"Why? I thought you quit killing."

"Because of what is on your finger."

Mysteria looked at her ring. A silver dragon wrapped around her finger. It had a black onyx for an eye. Back home she had a huge collection of dragons.

"Besides, I love what I do."

"I know."

Protector kissed her hand. "I have to go collect the rest of my pay." Mysteria watched as he walked off.


"Hey Protector!" Wizard and Nimue walked up to him. "Can I borrow your handcuffs?"

"I don't have them."

"But I wanted to show Nimue this new trick I.."

"I DON'T HAVE THEM WITH ME!" He said sternly then walked off.

"Okay....I'll find some somewhere else."


Mysteria had finished selling her papes early and she walked back to the lodging house. Rebel was sitting on the steps talking to Gambit and Remedy. "Rebel, can I talk to you a minute?"

"Sure." Rebel got up and they walked inside.

"You know the guy who attacked me when I first got here?" Rebel nodded. "It was the same guy who attacked me today. He said his name was Dinias."

"Dinias. I 'member 'im."

"Why does he dislike you so?"

"When I foist became a newsie, 'e started a fight wit me. I kicked 'is ass. an' when 'e found out I was a goyl he wanted revenge. Ev'ry time he tried ta fight me we would get interrupted. Eventually, 'e gave up. I guess now he has decided ta finish what he started."

"Gee, he doesn't hold grudges long does he?" Mysteria said sarcastically.

"I'm gonna go stop dis once and fer all." Rebel said and headed out the door.


Wizard began to pack up for the day. He wondered where he would sleep tonight. He remembered Mysteria mentioning a lodging house with low rent and plenty of room. "Maybe I should check this place out." He said to the setting sun. He began to put his candles in a box. For some reason he kept dropping one of them. "Come on, go to the box, you like the box!" he coaxed. Finally it cooperated and joined the other candles.

As he finished packing up he noticed Protector walking by with a black bag. "Hey Protector. Where is that Ravenswood Lodging House Mysteria mentioned?"

"I was just headed that way."

"Mind if I come along?"


"Mind if I ask what's with the bag?"


"What's with the bag?"

"None of your business."

"Okay." Maybe I should take Mysteria's advice about asking Protector questions Wizard thought. However he didn't listen to himself. "You really like Mysteria don't you?"


"Why is it you don't like many people?"


"Because why?"

"Your dang inquisitive."

"Just trying to understand you better."

"I don't even understand me. Only Mysteria understands me."

"How is it she can understand you and you don't understand you?"

"That's what I don't understand."

"This is getting very complicated very fast." Wizard said. "Why don't you like talking about your home. You seem to like it but won't talk about it."

"Most people wouldn't understand."

"There's that word again, let's stop with trying to understand."


"Tell me about your home. Why won't people understand?"

"I shouldn't tell you without consulting Reh. I mean Mysteria."


"Because it will reveal more about her than me."

"Oh. Okay. But otherwise you would tell me?"

"Maybe." They walked in silence for a while. Then Protector spoke. "Do you believe in supernatural magic. Not just the smoke and mirrors magicians use. Real magic."

"I have debated that my whole life."

"Then what are your thoughts on it?"

"I have not seen it so I cannot completely believe it. But each day I think about it and hope that there is real magic and that it is used for good."

"Have you ever seen God?"


"But you believe he exists?"


"Then why not believe the same about magic?"

"That is the only thing that has kept me hoping and wondering."

Just then they got to the Lodging House.

"For a mere mortal you're not too bad Wizard." Protector said as they walked through the door, they were met by Molly Corcoran.

"Hello. Who is your new friend Protector?" She asked before Wizard could ask about being a 'mere mortal.'

"This is Wizard. He wants to join us."

Mrs. Corcoran smiled. "Always happy to see new faces over here. Here Wizard, fill this out and we will get you settled."

"Wizard!" Nimue walked up behind them.

"Nimue! What are you doing here?"

"I live here."

"Now I am sure this is the place for me."


"Didja get me message?" Dinias came out from a shadowed alleyway.

"Yea I got it. Yer fight is with me, Dinias. You'se should leave my friends out of it."

"Awww but that wouldn't be much fun now would it?" He took a swing at her. She dodged then punched him in the gut so hard he doubled over.

"I'll beat you into a bloody pulp!" He cried.

"Doncha you need ta actually hit me in order ta do dat?"

He swung again this time catching her in the jaw. She rubbed it. "Is dat da best ya kin do?" She swung at him bloodying his nose. He wiped away some blood with his hand.

"I'm just getting warmed up." He said. He swung at her jaw again. The salty taste of blood filled her mouth and she spat it in his face.

"Damn Rebel, you haven't changed a bit."

"Neither have you. You still can't beat a goyl." He charged at her ramming her into the brick wall. She grabbed his shirt and swung him around the corner into a garbage can in the alley. Dinias got up. Rebel dashed at him at full speed and Dinias squared himself to receive her with one of his most fatal blows. Making his calculations from Rebel's velocity, of the time when she would come within striking distance, he let drive with tremendous force. But Rebel's onset was obviously planned to avoid this blow; for contrary to all expectations she stopped short just out of reach and before Dinias could recover his balance Rebel had him. The next second found Dinias' feet where his head should be. Both is feet were thrown half his own height in the air, he came down with a force that seemed to shake the earth. Dinias was no sooner down than Rebel was on him, and landing him awful blows to the face and chest.

"Hey you! Stop it!" She heard a whistle blow. A cop was running toward them. Rebel stood and ran for the Lodging House. As she ran she heard Dinias shouting "I'll kill you Bitch! I'll kill you all!"


Dinias drug himself to his feet after the cop left. "Damn. Someday I'm gonna kill her!" He leaned against a building for support. Rebel beat him pretty good. "I need a drink." He staggered into a nearby bar.

Three hours and many drinks later he decided he should attempt to find home. He stumbled out of the bar and into an alley. "Woah!" He fell over a black bag. "What's this?" he asked the alley cat rubbing up against the bag. Dinias opened it. "Ooh.... Guns." The words slurred out of his mouth. "I'll get that Bith yet!" He said spitting on the cat as he talked. Wiping the drool from his mouth he took one of the strange looking guns and staggered towards Ravenswood.


"Wizard I'm so glad your staying here! I'll go get you some blankets and a pillow for your bunk." Nimue hurried off to the linen closet.

"REBEL!" Dinias staggered into Ravenswood waving a gun wildly through the air.

"What do you want?" Rebel stepped up to him defiantly. He aimed the gun at her. She ducked before he pulled the trigger.

"Shit." Protector whispered.

"What?" Mysteria looked at him wanting to hit him for cussing.

"That's my gun. I got transported here with all my tools and I stashed them. He must have found my stash!" He whispered to her.

They both looked over to Wizard to make sure he hadn't heard them.

"Shit." Mysteria replied. Protector looked at her. He rushed through the residents of Ravenswood charging Dinias at full speed.

Dinias was shooting the heck out of the furniture. As Protector rammed him Dinias once again pulled the trigger. The shot hit Wizard in the gut. He collapsed to the floor. Mysteria fell to her knees to look after him.

"I'm going to die."

"No. Your not."

"I've been shot in the gut. People don't live through this kind of thing!"

"Shhh. You're not going to die. I won't have it." She put her hands over the wound and closed her eyes in concentration.


Dinias fell to the floor dropping the gun. He turned his face suddenly to the floor and rose up on his hands and knees. Protector jerked up both his hands and threw him on his face. Dinias again recovered and was on his hands and knees once more. Protector tried to throw him back to the ground but missed one arm and Dinias rose to his feet. But he had no sooner got to his feet then he was once again on his back. He again recovered and grabbed hold of Protector. They both fell to the ground. Protector reached for his own leg and grabbed the dagger that had been hidden beneath his pants.


Wizard watched as a bright red stain grew on Mysteria's stomach. Slowly his own pain eased. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Saving your life."

"But you're bleeding, how...?"

"When I heal someone I get their pain and their wound."

"Will you die?"

"Not if Protector does what he should."

Mysteria collapsed to the ground. Wizard felt no pain. He looked at his gut. The only sign of the bullet was a hole in his shirt. He leaned close to Mysteria's ear.

"I know what you are, but your secret is safe with me." He whispered.


"You shouldn't mess with my friends!" Protector yelled as he raised the dagger in the air. Everyone watched in shock as he thrust it through Dinias' throat and into the wood floor. Blood splurged from his neck covering Protector and anyone who dared to venture near.


"Wizard! What happened?" Nimue came running up to him.

"Mysteria was shot." Nimue looked at Mysteria's blood soaked shirt. Protector ran up and quickly took Mysteria in his arms.

"I won't let you die." He promised and kissed her forehead. "SOMEONE GET ME SOME BOILING WATER NOW!" He screamed. Remedy and Art ran to the kitchen.

"Someone go get the doctor." Mrs. Corcoran ordered.

"NO!" Protector screamed back. Molly looked at him in shock. No one moved.

"No doctors." He looked at Nimue. "Go get her belt."

Rebel knelt down beside them. "Protector I don't' think she'll make it. Especially without a doctor."

"No doctors." He said quietly but sternly. He looked at her in such a way that it sent chills down her spine.

"Okay, no doctors."
