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Editor's Choice FAQ's    

Is this Crippled or demo software, shareware or freeware?

No. This is the exact same software you would receive if you purchased it from a computer retail store or ordered from a mail order catalog.

I am not a writer, can I review software and books?

The vast majority of our reviewers are just like you. They use a PC or Mac at home or at work and are not professional writers. Our review format is simple and almost all of the information comes from the publisher in their press kit. We have sample software and sample book reviews on this web site. Here are some of the people who have received our software and written reviews.

Can I review any software program or book of my own choice?

Yes. You can request any PC or Macintosh software package or any fiction or non-fictions book or audio book on cassette tape. We don't keep a list of available titles. See publisher links below to help you decide what you want to review.. You only need to find the publisher's address and fill put it on the request form along with the name of the title you want to review. WE DO NOT MAINTAIN A LIST OF SOFTWARE, BOOK OR AUDIO BOOK TITLES AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW. Don't send us an email asking us what titles can you review or where is your list.

Where do I find the software and book publisher's addresses?

The web is the first place to look. Click here for publisher's links.

Note: you must send your request to the software, manufacturer book publisher. Do not send them to any distributor, retailer or or Barnes and Noble or Editor's Choice. Only the actual publisher of the books or software will ship out review copies to Editor's Choice Reviewers.

Where do I email my reviews?  At this time you don't email reviews you post them at

I don't want to give my check or credit card information over the internet.

Actually using credit cards on the internet is safer than giving your credit card over the telephone (scanners can be used) or giving it to a clerk in a store (who could keep your second copy with your account number and expire date).

We use Microsoft's SSL or secure sockets layer system on our ordering. In addition your complete credit card number is never emailed, forwarded or stored complete. It is broken up into two parts. Comes directly to us and part two gets written to a separate server. Our staff accesses the second server (in another city) and has to enter in an 8 character account code and 8 character password. It is unlikely that two different servers in two different cities will be broken into.

But you can also at check out time select Check through postal mail, print out the order form and mail it to us along with your check. You can also select Check through postal mail, print out the order form and fax it to us along with the copy of your check. Faxes are not subject to scanning or intercept.

Who pays the freight charges from the publisher?

All titles are shipped directly to you from the publisher at no charge to you. The publisher pays the freight. Many publishers will actually overnight the titles to help our writers with their deadlines.

How soon will I receive my review titles?

The sooner you mail your review request forms to the publisher, the sooner you will receive your software or book titles. It takes anywhere from one day to eight weeks after the publisher receives your request. The delivery time varies depending on the publisher's marketing department's policies. A lot of publishers will overnight the review copy along with a press kit. If you live outside of the United States allow an extra two or three weeks.

How do software and book publishers know that I am a writer for Editor's Choice?

The publishers are directed to our other web site where thousands of our reviews are posted. We also have another private we site for publishers that contains a daily list of valid and invalid request authorization numbers. The review request forms we send to the publishers instructs them to not ship titles from any review request that are copies and not the original signed review request forms. This is done to prevent people from requesting review titles and not writing a review.

How long do I have before I have to write the review?

We suggest you install and use the software for a week. This way you will still be able to rate the installation process and documentation as well as many of the software's features. We expect the review to be emailed to us no later than 10 days after you have received the software title.

With books, it is a good idea to read the book first.

How many reviews can I request?

As many as you want. But you must write reviews for us and email them to us. If we see that you were mailed 8 software review request forms and 8 book review request forms and are requesting another eight we will check our records to locate your reviews. If there are no written reviews on file from you no more review requests will be honored.

What payments do you accept?

Visa, Master card and payment by personal check are accepted. We will soon have American Express and Discover cards. These options are presented to you when you click on the check out button on the order form.

Can I keep the books and software titles?

Only if you write a review of the title. Failure to write and email a review on any software or book title you requested from the publisher, means the legal ownership of the review title still rest with Editor's Choice.

Can I sell my reviews directly to magazines and newspapers?

Yes. We also pay you royalties on your review if it is picked up and republished by a magazine and they pay us royalties. You receive 50% of what we receive.

What happens if I don't receive my requested review title?

Almost all publishers will send the review copies if you use our forms. But there are a few publishers who may not. In this case you need only mail us the copy of the request form you mailed to the publisher. You may send us a 9 x 12" self-addressed stamped envelope and we will send you your Free Replacement forms. Click here to see our replacement policy.

How do I write the review? See the two samples below.

Look at a sample software and book review.

I am under 18 and don't have a credit card. How do I order.

One option when ordering is sending a check by the US mail. Click on this order check out option and fill in the information. Mail us your check and we will match it up with your order when it arrives and ship you your requested forms. You can also order by tele-check. This is where you enter in your check information on line. Remember we us Microsoft's SSL or Secure Sockets Layer encryption to protect your information.

This sounds like a stupid rip-off! Why should I pay you to write a review for you?

We receive lots of unsolicited email every day and can understand someone being skeptical. The only way to answer this is to state that we have been shipping review titles for about eighteen months to our reviewers. Look at some of the comments we receive from our reviewers.

One individual received a $10,000 mapping software package for only the shipping charges. Another received Autocad 13 which is a $5,000 package for just the shipping charges. This is not a bad deal in anyone's book. Considering that you can spend $500 for a decent software package and $19.00 - $149 for books, you really receive value for spending an hour or two writing a review for us. You receive quality PC and Macintosh software and books while we increase our database of reviews. We both make money on all published reviews.

If I have other questions how do I contact your company?

Click Here for our customer support contact page.