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How to become an iNet Reviews Reviewer

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You will receive 6 book review request forms along with our company envelopes and instructions. If you order before the bonus order date above you will receive two free bonus request forms. The price for this package is $15.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

Books on CD and Cassette Tapes » NEW «
This is a great way to use that dead drive time black hole. Listen and enjoy fiction and non-fiction books on CD or cassette in your car stereo or while you are walking or jogging. You will receive 6 audio book request forms along with our company envelopes and instructions. If you order before the bonus order date above you will receive two free bonus request forms. The price for this package is $19.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.


You will receive 6 software review request forms along with our company envelopes and instructions. If you order before the bonus order date above you will receive two free bonus request forms. The price for this package is $17.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.


You will receive 6 product review request forms along with our company envelopes and instructions. If you order before the bonus order date above you will receive two free bonus request forms. The price for this package is $17.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

Movie Review Pass for two

You will receive 8 theater movie review pass request forms along with our company envelopes and instructions. If you order before the bonus order date above you will receive two free bonus movie pass request forms. The price for this package is $17 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

Upscale Restaurants

You will receive 6 restaurant review request forms along with our company envelopes and instructions. If you order before the bonus order date above you will receive two free bonus request forms. The price for this package is $15.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

Upscale Travel Resorts

You will receive 6 travel review request forms along with our company envelopes and instructions. If you order before the bonus order date above you will receive two free bonus request forms. The price for this package is $15.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

Each package includes directions to a special page on our web site which explains in detail how to fill out the review request forms.

 To become a reviewer for Editor's Choice you need only order one or more of our review request form packages.

Special offer:

Order at least two of our review packages and receive access to the on-line version of "Your Idea on the Intent in 7 Days" CD-ROM.

Brain Storming Your Ideas
Your Competition
Components of a Successful Web Site
Common Mistakes of Beginning Webster
Obtaining your Charge Card Merchant Account
Your Shopping Cart Software/Services
Marketing Your Web Site On The Internet
Marketing Your Web Site off the Internet
Using Bulk Email to Promote your Web Site
Selecting Your Internet Service Provider to Host your Web Site
Special List of Webmaster Resources on the Internet

This manual was written by successful web site owners who over the past three years have learned what works and does not work. This title save you from costly mistakes and speed your process of taking your idea to a successful Internet web site in 7 days.

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See what type of products others have received directly from the publisher or manufacturer!


The Current Method for Requesting and Shipping Review Titles

We send you our printed software, book, product, restaurant or travel resort review request forms along with the same number of Editor's Choice envelopes. Each has a unique registered request number and is signed by one of our review editors. This request number is used by the software and book publishers to verify a review request as being valid . This prevents people from copying our forms and mailing them to publishers and not writing reviews. All of our software and book publishers expect to see a review from every title they ship to our reviewers.   If you receive a title and don't write a review and email it to us in a reasonable amount of time, you will not be shipped any more review request forms and you may be billed by the publisher or manufacturer for the review title or product. We had a significant problem in the past with individuals receiving review titles and never writing a review. 

When you receive your review request forms you complete it with the publisher's name and address along with the title you are requesting and mail it directly to the publisher in our company envelope. We supply you with the Editor's Choice pre-printed forms and envelopes. These are ordered from our order cart page on this web site.You may request any software or book title currently available for sale. We do not have a list on this web site or anywhere else of available review titles since that list would be impossible to maintain. See our FAQ page on how you find publisher addresses.


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