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Have a website dedicated to a wrestler? Even better, have a wrestling FanFic page? Tell me and I'll put you on here!

Join the mailing list! Come and be a CelestialBroodie! Keep updated with the site and chat with other fanfic readers and writers! :) Pretty please? *Bats eyelashes*

Two Sites You Must Visit:

-- I think Gabby was the writer of WWF fan fic who got me hooked. Never Ending Story definately was the first series in WWF fan fic I ever fully read and it remains sentimentally my favorite. Besides, Gabby's a Goddess and she keeps lurking on pages I go to. We're very sickly minded people.

-- Absolutely wonderful webpage and fanfiction and absolutely slashy. First to get me hooked on slash and kinky stuff. LadyJackyl is an amazing author and has the most incredible stories. Other feature authors are very very good as well. You must visit this site.

Other FanFiclicious Sites:

Southern Comfort/Northern Lights
-- Really cool site run by an awesome chic whom I've come to known through LadyJ's board. Has some wonderful fanfic too, by different authors. And, since I'm a shameless ficwhore, I'll plug the fact that under Lexa's section, she's got the little series of letters. [Not all of them, just the Chris-Matt ones]

Living On The Edge
-- A HUGE collection of FanFic. Some aren't as good as others.

The Candyass Cafe
-- Large archive of stories. Excellent. You must read stories by Alex.

Hardy Art
-- FanFic and poetry as well as some amazing computer graphic art stuff of the Hardyz.

Silence in the Shadows
-- Most excellent Christian site. And of course, FanFic included.

Fallen Sanity
-- Same webmistress as Silence in the Shadows. Again, very good and FanFic included. (Dedicated to Matt Hardy)

[YahooGroup] WWFHardyzFanFic
-- Great list with really sweet people. Perfect for posting and reading Hardy Boyz-related stories. The list-Mommy Susan is one of the best!

[YahooGroup] SWERVE
-- Another great list, this time for all sorts of fanfic. Great people and lots of feedback, always!

[YahooGroup] Extremely Kinky Wrestling Fic
-- For all the wreslting kinkiness you can handle! Another Yahoo list and another amazing thing LadyJackyl moderates. [Can that woman do any wrong?] For those of us who think just a little differently from others. Great open minds.

-- Where I've been posting a lot of my new stuff and met tons of awesome fanfic writers!

-- For the sickly minded Slash authors to share opinions and observations. Tons of fun and great opinions are expressed.

-- Great board to express your opinions on wrestling. [Not FanFic]

-- Shane+Christian=Yum

-- Amazing graphics and stories. A must-see.


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