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Neopets Unlimited


Neopets Unlimited


There certainly are a lot of Neopets sites out there. Here are a few that I have found and took a button for, although I admit that I am lazy and don't take for most. If you would like to see your pet page or site here please send me a button or text link and a brief description and I'll add it as long as it is Neopets appropriate.

Premade Fonts!

Beautify Neopia by using the CSS codes here to update your user lookups, pet lookups, pet pages, guilds and shops.

(c) 2004 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission

I am not, do not know, or have any affiliations with any member of the neopets team or anyone who does have one of the above qualities. So, please show me some respect if I am a little slow on things or have false information.