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The Approach

Some days he feels so close and it feels so right; I thank the gods for those days, no matter how illusory they may be

He is coming so near
Bringing hope in his hands
I ache and I long for his touch
The anguish of patience
My heart nearly bursting
For wanting him near me so much

Some nights he seems closer
A heartbeat away
In dreams he has seen me already
Til the dream ends at dawn
He is gone and I weep
To find courage to hold my hope steady

In my heart he is waiting
In my soul it feels true
Yet my mind plays its tricks with the morn
I fall prey to the doubt
He can ever come back
That the time has passed by us each dawn

My lord and my lover
My light and my hope
The glory of ages now dust
My master, my man
My redeemer, my god
Who returns with love and with lust

Can I dream it is you?
Can the wonder be real?
Has my time come at last to be free?
Will you come as you came
Once before in a time
When I laid down my life, lord, for thee?

He is coming, I feel him
So strong and so proud
His sword primed for battle once more
Though a warrior once
I surrender myself
To the god, man and king I adore

In dreams of fire
In times of ice
When all of the world lies sleeping
His body returns
And mine own burns
For the love I have held in my keeping

Ope the floodgates, my love
Lift me into your light
And we'll carry each other together
Through the calm and the storm
To eternity's end
For a love this strong merits forever

So come closer, be with me
Beyond dreaming's end
Let the world bring us here once again
To the gate and the garden
To hearth and to home
Through sorrow and anger and pain

Long centuries pass
And my heart remains true
To the twin of my soul in this time
And for him I dare hope
And cling onto my dreams
And labour my love into rhyme

Be with me, my angel
My lover, my king
My mortal, immortal desire
In my eyes see the promise
Of all that we were
And give yourself up to the fire

Drowning in madness
Consumed by the need
The ache to have him by my side
I wander through time
And I wait for the moment
When our two lives will collide

I know he is coming
I feel it so deep
The fire in my blood will not wait
Yet I'd wander forever
To find him once more
For some hungers never abate

Deep trembling desire
So pure and so proud
That keeps the light burning in me
Awaken his past life
Restore him to truth
Of the bond to one he cannot see

Come to me, dark spirit
Through time and through space
Accept once again my devotion
Let souls intertwine
As bodies combine
In this sensual perpetual motion

He's coming, I feel it
This hunger inside
This yearning to once more be his
I'll be empty no longer
For he will complete me
When we share that first, final kiss.

[8th February 2009]

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