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NC Vacations
Sobienet Links

Welcome to Sobienet


Welcome to Sobienet. It is my pleasure to offer you this website full of links, picture galleries, and whatever the heck else you imagine. If you have anything I should add, or would like to contribute something, let me know. Any thing you want on this site, I can create it, within some limits. After all, this is, was, and is still maintained by a Sobieski. Who says Pollocks are dumb? Even my Spanish teacher calls me the King of Poland.

Innovation... Pollock... Technology... This is the new Sobienet... Welcome to my world...



Below are the Various Areas of Sobienet:
These areas can be reached by the links below and to the left hand side

For Sobieski Family Members... A look at our past North Carolina Vacations

For Transportation Enthusiasts... Extensive Galleries Including Planes and Trains

A Collection of Sounds and Pictures (Including Animated Gifs)

Nearly 100 links to cool sites (updated all the time)

A List of Meaningful Quotes I have found and wished to Include

These will make you fall over laughing



Thanks for visiting and come again soon, real soon.

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Last Update: Friday August 22, 2003