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Former Texas Prison Guard Book Banned

Tampa, FL ( - Former Texas and Florida Prison Guard Tim Hampton, 30, who wrote the book entitled 'Holding My Own' received news from Texas Prison officials on August 4, 2005 that his book was again no longer welcomed inside any of the states 200+ prison units.

Left-Joran Babineaux of the Seattle Seahawks.Right-Author Tim Hampton
Hampton, who is the first black former prison guard in America to write a book about the prison system, has released what many are calling the best independent book - possibly of all time. Texas officials banned Hampton's book before they even read it back in December 2004, which prompted legal action by Hampton's attorney. The result was that prison officials had to allow inmates to obtain the book if they wanted it.

The newest problem now is that according to prison administration, inmates are no longer allowed to have photos of jails, prisons, or any type of law enforcement officials. On the back cover of Hampton's book, it shows him looking at an unknown institution from afar, and the front cover shows Hampton seemingly defending an inmate from two white guards.

I was shocked when I got the news, that my book was banned for the second time in 8 months. Then I remembered that I worked for them for 10 years; I know how they operate. Any positive message is not welcomed there, stated Hampton.

Hampton is currently traveling across the country speaking to youth about his experiences working in prison and also his storied childhood. Hampton is also working on his next book entitled 'Still Holding My Own' in which he hopes to have ready this fall.

Hundreds of inmates nationwide as well as family members of convicted felons are writing me praising my literature, I will not change anything, the covers are what I went through and my concerns, and I will not alter them , said Hampton.

Meanwhile Florida prison officials have requested that Hampton, remove his resignation letter from his website. Hampton said that he would remove the letter when guards start being held more accountable for their actions when dealing with inmates. Also, when more training on ethics and human diversity are put in place for newly hired guards.

Hampton's website for his book and resignation letter can be viewed at

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