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d music

D' Bass

Welcome to my Music Web Site

On the right are the links that will take you all around my web site
Also below you can listen to partial pic's some of my music. As well as see the new Video produced by Steve Gibson on my song Born & Bred American {on my music page}

A couple of things to keep in mind 
  • To order my current CD "Rock & Funk Retreat" now, go to my contact page.
  • When you click on my "Music Page" link it will take you to "partial" samples of my tunes and a short little explanation of each tune, a little history on it and me.
  • When you put the mouse over the "Free Song Page" link it will automatically bring up the password page. The way to access my "Free Song Page" is to enter the password in my little guard page that pops up and it will automatically take you to the page that will allow to download Born & Bred American completely for FREE!
  • The Video is Here:
    I have a link to a video produced by Steve Gibson {USAF}Ret of my original song "Born & Bred American". Steve was stationed in Iraq and has used pic's and video shot on location from there and from all over the world to complete this video project! You can see this video on my "music page".
  • Each of the song pic's in my song table below, are partial cut's of each song like intro, 1 verse, 1 chorus etc...

Song Title
File Type
Learning, Stretching and Growing * MP3 1.38MB 1:03
Earth-Quake* MP3 1.37MB1:30
Rock & Funk Retreat* MP3 1.38MB 1:03
Somthin' to do with Soul*MP3 1.10MB 1:12
Love People* MP3 1.24MB 1:21
Pain* MP3 559KB 1:01
Felt the Light* MP3 533KB 1:08
Born and Bred American* MP3 437KB 1:00
Run Run Away* MP3 586KB 1:15

All of these music works and this web site in partial and it's entirety protected under the U.S. copyright law
no reproduction or use in any media form is allowed and violators will be prosecuted. Dennis Segelstrom � 2003