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Her stare went from his eyes, down to his lips, and lower to his neck. She leaned in and placed her moist lips on his neck.

“Mm,” Zac lightly moaned and leaned his head back against the bed. Her kisses trailed up his jawbone as her hand slid across his t-shirt covered stomach. A smile crept up on Zac’s face before he began laughing softly.

“What?” Ruby smiled before giggling herself.

“I don’t know,” Zac laughed.

Ruby looked into his eyes. “You’re retarded,” she giggled. Just then the phone rang in her bedroom. “Mmgh,” she groaned and stood up. “Hello?” She answered taking the cordless phone back to her original position. “Well yes he is, hold on one second.” She held out the phone for Zac. “It’s your mom,” she whispered.

“Hello?” Zac asked. Ruby took this opportunity to straddle Zac’s legs facing him. “Yeah, I’m done but I’m hanging out with Ruby.....Uh huh....” Ruby took his free hand locking her fingers with his. She leaned back in to continue kissing his neck. She lightly trailed the tip of her tongue up Zac’s neck. “When’s he coming over?” He squeezed Ruby’s hand breathing out a sigh into the phone. He cleared his throat as she placed tiny kisses on his earlobe and behind his ear. “Alright well I’ll be home at 1:30....bye mom.” He clicked off the phone and put it on the floor. He wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her closer to him.

“You leaving me?” She asked.

“Not right now. But Isaac’s coming over so we’re gonna spend some time with him - You are a really good kisser.”

Ruby laughed taking Zac’s hands in hers. “So you saying you wanna kiss me?” She asked playfully tilting her head to the side.

“Yes,” he smiled. “And a lot more.”

“Ooh,” Ruby scooted herself farther up on his lap causing friction between their bodies. “Please do,” she smiled.

“Mm,” Zac let out a soft moan before leaning in to kiss her. He already felt the blood rush to his groin. Ruby tongue swirled with his as she gently held the sides of his face. Zac’s hands went around her hips and pulled her closer.


“Ow, rug burn,” Zac laughed sitting up to examine his knees after he regained his composure.

“Aww,” Ruby sat up taking the comforter she had pulled off her bed onto the floor with her. She leaned down placing a tiny kiss on each of his knees. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” he smiled. “It was well worth it.”

“Maybe next time we’ll make it to the bed,” she said leaning over to kiss him. He trailed his fingertips down her arm as his lips lingered on hers. “It’s 1:30,” Ruby whispered pulling away alightly.

Zac looked at her with confused eyes.

“Your brother - you’re supposed to meet him at 1:30, remember?”

“Oh yeah,” Zac realized. “Damn.” He began to unwrap the comforter from his body. “I had underwear at one point,” he said.

“Um,” Ruby laughed. “Here,” she said reaching under the bed pulling out his boxer shorts.

“Thanks,” Zac said slipping them on and standing up to put his clothes back on.

“Well tell your family I said hi,” she said wrapping the comforter around herself as she stood up.

“Alright,” he said pulling the strap of his Birkenstocks around his heel. “I’ll um, see you later.”

“Yeah,” she said running her fingers through her disheveled brown hair.

“Okay,” he said walking towards her. “Bye,” he kissed her cheek and her lips once more.

“Bye,” she smiled.

“You’re beautiful,” he pointed at her walking to the door.

Ruby laughed. “So are you. I wish you would realize that,” she called as he left her room turning around one last time to give her another smile.

Chapter 12