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KDC, the most important man in music

Why the legend?

Now I know this doesn't compare to some of the fansites out there, but seeing as it's ten years now I just wanted to say something, I'm just not very good at saying it. Nirvana were and are the most incredible band in the world. Bigger than the Beatles and better than the Sex Pistols, Nirvana reached everybody with a passion for music that only a band's band could. Kurt an ex roadie, lover of The Melvins, The Vaselines, BH Surfers and Pixies (at T 2004!). Who would have believed then that in a few years the tiny frame of a man who adored his peers so much would have them as HIS support. A tortured soul, to be cliched, but a beautiful one, Kurt created the perfect blend of pop and punk-none of this Blink 182 bullshit please. A short group lifespan it may have been, but totally flawless. Sadly ''Kurt The Self Parody'' that he had supressed for so long emerged soon after In Utero when he made famous a tee claiming ''grunge is dead''. And on April 5th 1994 it truly was. But what of his legacy? Well he's left us with a back catalogue to die for (no pun NO PUN-you can tell by the way it isn't funny) a big old blonde drag queen trailing Kurt's beautiful daughter behind her and a whole stream of one minute wonder nu-metallers. So thanks to Fred Durst, Coby Dick and the fat one from Staind, but who the fuck is going to remember YOU in ten years time? Peace, love, empathy. ************************************************************************************************* PS-I'm not sure if it is still there, but please ignore the banner at the top trying to make you buy Journals.

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