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The Adventures of Melvin the Head-Bunny
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
My First Adventure?
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Lithium by Evanescence
Topic: About Mousie
Mousie is scary! Here I, Melvin, am... Sleeping in her inventory pile among all her pretty designs (my favorite is her Rock Out! Original SST because it has a picture of ME on it)..... Anyway, I hear some racket from the noisy next-door neighbors of hers and I hear her telling the most horrific ghost story! There she was, talking with her friend Funkandy and telling him about Jack the Ripper! Well, as a bunny, anything with the word "ripper" in it reminds me of my dearly departed great-grandfather who just 3 years ago was separated from his skin by an incident with a maddened taxidermist/chef....

Of course, not wanting this Jack fellow to find me, I hopped my adorable, perfectly shaped bunnytail right out the inventory door! I wandered for quite a bit until I found myself face-to-face with a gigantic Jack-o-Lantern.... I panicked! The Ripping Jack had found me! I was simply a helpless little red head bunny, caught up in the wheel of cruel Fate! I started squeaking for help, but of course none came, because I had wandered out of my safe and happy inventory and Mousie couldn't find me... I cowered before this monster Jack, and although I hate to admit it, I realized I wasn't quite the brave bunny I had thought myself to be.

Right about that time I felt warm, familiar hands scoop me up. "There you are, Melvin! I was looking for you! You were out here in the room, no wonder I couldn't find you!" It was Mousie! I had never been so happy to see her in my little bunny life as I was at that moment.

"So, how do you like my new chair?" she asked, pointing at the giant Jack I was sure was still going to kill me... But it was just a chair? Well, I puffed up my little bunny chest and stuck my tongue out at it. I knew you were a chair all along, I thought at it, and not an evil taxidermist after all! All the same.... Mousie's head is by far a safer place to nap. I think I'm going to sleep there now. And next time, I'm not going to leave my snuggly pile of EZ-Tees!

Posted by Melvin Bunny at 10:45 PM PDT
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