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The Adventures of Melvin the Head-Bunny
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Homeless Fish
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: "Chambermaid" - "Enchant" CD - Emilie Autumn
Topic: Apartment Adventures
The weather around here has been crazy the last few days! It's been so windy I've been tying Mousie's braid around my waist... if I don't, I'll probably get blown off! Even though we're inside, she insists on letting in the "fresh air" (yeah- right... more smog than L.A. and N.Y.C. combined, and she calls it "fresh"). And it's still windy in the apartment! I don't know how she can sit at the computer in her tank top and sleep shorts... I'm freezing!

Anyway, there we are, working on her new Summer collection (and *I'm* the one who spotted the ad that inspired it!), and I'm freezing my cute-'n'-fluffy tail off... when all of a sudden we hear a big gust of wind whistle through, then this huge crash! Of course we both were very startled, and got up to look out of the window. I hopped from Mousie's head to the window sill- satisfying my curiosity was far more important than not being blown away!

Another head poked out the doorway across the walkway- it was her glass that was broken! Mousie asked what happened and the lady said her aquarium had blown over, and started picking up the glass. Mousie nodded and went back to work, but I thought of all those poor homeless fish, and knew I had to do something! I pushed the window screen out a little and wiggled through, falling into a soft bed of ivy.

I knew I had to go about this carefully so I didn't get stepped on! I rustled my way across the ivy bed to the concrete, and then hopped as hard and fast as I could to keep from being blown to the far reaches of the earth. That's a pretty scary place... I mean, it has huge monsters called cars, and the ground is completely black. No plants grow there, either. Mousie calls it a "parking lot", but I know better.

Anyway, I made it over to where the aquarium got broken... but there wasn't any water anywhere! I couldn't even find any fish! I was too late, they were already swimming in fish-fish heaven! I started bawling for the poor little fishies that were no longer with us. I was crying so hard that I didn't hear the across-the-walk-lady say that they'd just have to keep the fish in the dirty tank until the weekend when they could buy a new one. Gasp! Happy day! Not only are the fish-fish alive, but they aren't homeless! It all worked out for the best!

I did another mad dash across the concrete. Even though the wind died down a little, there are these strange little people that Mousie calls "children" that like to run around, and could squish a little bunny but good. I'm glad Mousie came out then, because I would have been stuck outside.... From the ivy to the window is a very long way to jump! I'm glad that the fish are safe... and even gladder that I am too!

Posted by Melvin Bunny at 12:01 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 21 March 2007
My First Adventure?
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Lithium by Evanescence
Topic: About Mousie
Mousie is scary! Here I, Melvin, am... Sleeping in her inventory pile among all her pretty designs (my favorite is her Rock Out! Original SST because it has a picture of ME on it)..... Anyway, I hear some racket from the noisy next-door neighbors of hers and I hear her telling the most horrific ghost story! There she was, talking with her friend Funkandy and telling him about Jack the Ripper! Well, as a bunny, anything with the word "ripper" in it reminds me of my dearly departed great-grandfather who just 3 years ago was separated from his skin by an incident with a maddened taxidermist/chef....

Of course, not wanting this Jack fellow to find me, I hopped my adorable, perfectly shaped bunnytail right out the inventory door! I wandered for quite a bit until I found myself face-to-face with a gigantic Jack-o-Lantern.... I panicked! The Ripping Jack had found me! I was simply a helpless little red head bunny, caught up in the wheel of cruel Fate! I started squeaking for help, but of course none came, because I had wandered out of my safe and happy inventory and Mousie couldn't find me... I cowered before this monster Jack, and although I hate to admit it, I realized I wasn't quite the brave bunny I had thought myself to be.

Right about that time I felt warm, familiar hands scoop me up. "There you are, Melvin! I was looking for you! You were out here in the room, no wonder I couldn't find you!" It was Mousie! I had never been so happy to see her in my little bunny life as I was at that moment.

"So, how do you like my new chair?" she asked, pointing at the giant Jack I was sure was still going to kill me... But it was just a chair? Well, I puffed up my little bunny chest and stuck my tongue out at it. I knew you were a chair all along, I thought at it, and not an evil taxidermist after all! All the same.... Mousie's head is by far a safer place to nap. I think I'm going to sleep there now. And next time, I'm not going to leave my snuggly pile of EZ-Tees!

Posted by Melvin Bunny at 10:45 PM PDT
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