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Above the Fold
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Mood:  don't ask


 Terribly sorry, but the "special someone" (Fen) in my life is going to be finding out the true meaning of "'til death do us part". There are several incredibly terrible and nasty names I wish to call him, and shall call him. To his face, not here, where it will get me in trouble with IMVU admin and probably several human rights organizations... although I'm fairly certain somewhere out there, there's a Trekkie nerd (just like me) reading this page who would find it totally hot that I'm gonna cuss out my guy in Klingon.

As for the rest of you, please feel free to deliver to Fen all your dislike and loathing virtually. And women- don't take your eyes off your guy for a second. They'll go online using your computer and download adult content. That content shall be riddled with Trojans and other viruses. Your computer shall die and you shall face the Blue Screen of Death.

That being said- Fen did exactly that, even after being told several times to watch out for downloading viral infections. Well, long story short, I couldn't keep up. They formed some kind of freaky virus kung-fu organization and attacked... then my computer crashed. AND I HAD TO DO A FULL SYSTEM RESTORE. UGH! Not happy, not kosher, not cool.

So please- understand that I'm not taking requests because I don't like you. In reality, somewhere along the way of all this refuse some head-hunting, tricked-out mosswipe of a program took out my photo editor like a busboy takes out the garbage, and I am now sans capability to make anything new. I'm desperately hunting down my original disk now. If all else fails I'm gonna call DELL Computers, explain that I have a nitwit living with me, and grovel pathetically to try and get a new copy. So, hopefully, it shouldn't be too long until I can get at least an interim solution if not a full one. Until then, please hang in there with me and understand that I've had a really lousy couple of months and IT WASN'T MY FAULT! (Cry! Sob! Sniffle! :*[ )

 All the old stuff is still up, and I got several new things made in the past few days for both the IMVU site and for the CafePress store, but all the shiny new stuff I was working on will be postponed indefinitely until I get Photoshop reinstalled.

Posted by Melvin Bunny at 7:40 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 August 2007 1:41 PM PDT
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