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(Interview took place randomly on via internet)
Megan says: Hey there, what are you doing on this time of day?
Nate says: I'm on all day today getting set to have a show so I've got to be in contact with bands I'm actually working off line but every things on. I can still chat though.
So, your doing a show in a couple of week how‘s it coming together?
Putting on shows is one of my hobbies. I would love to do it full time but I gotta finish school first. This ones coming together great
Got kick off I'm back

That happened to me last night, I couldn't get on at all...
How did your jam session go?
Beautiful this guys gonna be our full time drummer
Did you say that the guy was beautiful? Ha ha. Wow! So when are your going into the studio right? Does that mean cutting an album or...?
I'm not sure were gonna record 1 or 2 cd's in the next week as well as play show's on the 21st and 22nd and then I leave the 26th for YWAM
Whoa! You are going to send me a CD right?
hopefully we can get it up at so the whole world we'll be able to get it for free, maybe napster
who knows were sounding really good though do you like much punk
depends- I like most everything. So long as it doesn't have country-western in it, I'm cool with it.
were a really raw band I guess you could call us indie punk we play a song that sounds kind of Irish it's our pub rock anthem it's called the pirate song
ha ha... I like that. It reminds me of veggie tales, "the pirates who don't do anything....."
that might have to be our motto but I work my butt off for this band I run circles around most indie band guys we have sticker, coffee cups, t-shirts and all that jazz. We don't sound all commercial and polished that's not what were going for I think the music sounds personal and in that I mean accessible to every one
How long have you been together? (Besides the new drummer)
I guess the idea of the band has been together for over 2 years we've been play officially under this name for a year
P.S. I want a t-shirt
I’d give you one but the is problems the t-shirts are homemade and are only available at shows. what we do is buy second had t-shirts and decorate them and then sell them for really cheap the kids love them and it gets our name out a lot of kids still wear out t-shirts. Our whole goal it to build relationships with kids for the furtherance of the Gospel
What's the meaning behind the name?
no meaning we got it from an American Dental Association commercial and thought it sounded cool.
font color="purple"> That is soooooo funny. I haven't seen that commercial.
neither have I
I just got an idea keep asking me band related questions this sounds like an interview. if it's alright with you?

okay then Mr. Allen. On behalf of music weekly, what inspired you create a group?
Tyler and I were in a rapcore band called mindset that was fun but lame we were both in to punk and wanted to start a more light hearted project (a punk band) and thus miles was formed
Who were the original members, and what did they contribute?
We consisted of Tyler Hentschel on lead guitar, Sam Stumbo on Rythmn guitar, Jory Randall on bass, Lucas Bradburn on drums, and me on vocals. Sam and I co wrote all the songs. He would provide the guitar and I would provide the words Tyler plays a mean guitar so he made us look good, Jory is a chick magnet so he makes girls like our band, and Luke only played with us for a month but helped us get a start. He is in a band called Fractured Image and plays drums for them they're what you'd call modern pop rock (due to the logistic required it travel Sam is no longer able to participate in the band after moving away)
Talk us about your newest addition. Where did you find him, and what is he bringing to the group?
Ken is our new drummer he's filling a bit whole (we haven’t had a drummer in 11 months) He works with Tyler at Safeway and likes the Ramones so we wanted to see if he could play. He's brings a solid drummer and a steady beat he make us look good (really)
Sorry for keeping you waiting. All that coffee I drank in the press room while waiting to get into this sold out interview caught up with me.
Where do you draw your inspiration for writing songs?
I write all the songs from real life I guess you could say what ever I'm going through at a given time I put down on paper my lyrics are my journal I guess you could say I wear my heart on my sleeve.
What kind of shows have you performed. What is your greatest audience?
We've played shows everywhere from grange halls to back porches to church basements. Our best show to date was down south in a town called Myrtle Creek. The kids were really cool. We always say we'll play anywhere any time at anything from a beer party to a bar mitzvah‘s
What was your worst concert ever, and why?
Our worst concert was probley the one we played where our drummer quit before our sound check (the pa was also jacked) and we had a kid who played with us that couldn't play drums. we all prayed and new God wanted us on stage so we set up and stuff. We felt God would do something and halfway through our set Luke walked in the door. I pulled him on stage and he played the rest of our set, to somewhat nate salvage the evening. The cool thing was that we got to hang out with kids at the show and build some relationships. We still had fun playing of coarse. So I wouldn’t call it time wasted.
Does your band have any inside jokes?
we'll Jory likes to do puppet shows and the rest I'm not at liberty to dismiss or I might get killed
we wouldn't want that.
What would be the most amazing thing that could happen to your group. The sky is the limit
Well we'd get good, go on tour with Shurmen Steadfast, and lives changed through our music that would be the ultimate. Being signed and paid would be nice as well. We also wanna play Tomfest
If you had a motto, what would it be?
Live Fast, Play Hard, Love Girls, Love God! How's that sound? we all really do like girls even though were all single (except for Ken) he has a life and stuff
What about Ghoti? NBT!!!!!!!
Yeah I know Girls are nothing but trouble but that doesn't mean we can't like them (that statement is based solely on my view and not necessarily reflected by the entire band)
I won't tell Ghoti if you won't. Who is Ghoti anyway?
I guess one day I'll probley meet some princess who will steel my heart but not today and not tomorrow
Me neither. I need a degree, not a prince charming. By the way who is Ghoti?
Ghoti is my favorite band in the whole wide world Ghoti Hook go to and check them out.
Will do. I just know the timings bad right now it would be wonderful but I'd just be wasting my money my time and my emotions so that would suck (suck big time)
Definitely true. This is the time when people grow the most and change the most. This is a time for supportive friends, not romance. It's too risky to get involved because when people are growing so fast, it is almost inevitable that two people will grow apart. Sorry, this is was way off topic.
True it works for some people a lot of my friends got married this summer. It's kind of weird my first girlfriend got married on Saturday so it's been crazy. I know my time will come and I want to live a little first. Right we better get focused I got to go in a few minutes. Tyler is coming and were going to go to a local show.
Well, unless you can think of anything else you want me to ask you, I think I'm out of ideas. I'm not much of a reporter.
I need to run to. You did great.
thanks it's been neat
well I’ll talk to you later
Have fun at the show with Tyler.
Will do. bye