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Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero
Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero Camero





Hello and welcome to the news & update page. Right now we are currently planing our first record release!!! A friend of ours from Fargo has aggreed to come to our Practice Space and record a few of our songs. The plan right now is to record a small live recording of about 5-7 songs and over dub the vocals on another date. Right now we are thinking that we will only make about 100 discs - all numbered- Those of you that grab one while the getting is good will be not only the owner of a wonerfull collectors item, but we will be thinking of something special for you guys from us so keep an eye open we will be repaying you lucky 100 somehow. WE ARE Very Stoked about have a CD out to share with all of you so be on the look out at our shows and on our website WE WILL BE Pedaling our Goods Shamlessly.

Another item we have on the to do list is a studio version full length. Our old bassist Lon runs his own production company in the great state of South Dakota and we have now solidified some time with him to begin the recording process. I know that is two discs on the horizon. The studio one will have more songs, The live one will have some more benifits to owning. Both will available SOON.

Some Upcoming shows to consider:

New Years Eve-                     Harwood Hideout, Harwood ND.

           This is a tenative show. We got so many of you guys to come out last time that they want us to do it again. We will see. WHEN SOMETHING FAILS will be on the bill again. This time we will let them close.

01-4-03   Playmakers-- Fargo, ND

All of the" all ages" venues in town are closed. They are putting on a show at Playmakers to see what kind of a turnout they would have for all ages shows. PLEASE COME- PLEASE There needs to be a place to have ALL AGES shows in Fargo. Even if you are 21 come and support the scene. You can still have a drink in the bar afterwards.



site created by Dan Hines on 10/30/02

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