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Tuesday, 19 August 2003
decisions decisions......
ok. i think we are moving in september to oakland!!!! we have a friend there who needs a roomate so we'll have a place to temporarily stay, and there is a college there called mills college, that i am super excited about. it is pretty expensive and hard to get in to, and an all girls school, but they have great night programs for working adults like me, or i could just go back full time during the day who knows!!! i really want to get back into school now. a few more semesters and i am done (god how many years have i been repeating that sentence) but i am excited! it'll mean leaving my job at the end of september, but we both strongly believe that there is a better job market and much more opportunities up in the san francisco bay area!! nothing is set in stone of course. anywho, my doula stuff is going well, going to classes every thursday night. i will miss next weeks b/c of burningman, but they will let me make the class up so its cool! i am also reading a lot about aromatherapy, and will hopefully take this 1 day class w/ this famous aromatherapist here in san luis obispo on sept 17! i think my english/anthro degree will fit nicely w/ me being a doula w/ aromatherapy training. a lot of the birthing process is tied in w/ anthropology. i think i may write a book on birthing customs someday, maybe go visit strange places and write this crazy book. well, i need more coffee...kirky, since u r the only reader i have yet established, i missed u! i want to see the grand canyon too someday!!!

Posted by indie/chloedancer at 9:02 AM PDT
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