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  Welcome to Justin Chastant's Webpage


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Hello there.  I am Justin Chastant, and this is my Web site.  Who am I?  Keep reading to find out...excited? (You: "Hell yes!")  Yeah I thought so.



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My Resume

Cool Web sites I like.

Want me to work for you?  View my past education and jobs to see if I meet your criteria.  Just want to see what competition I am?  Check it out then too.

Photo Album

Interests and Hobbies

Take a look. What makes Justin Chastant tick?



Thanks for visiting my Web Site.  You can contact me with AIM messenger- my screen name is Chastnuts.  Or if you want to send me an E-mail, my address is  If you have something to say about my Web site, though, please link to my Feedback section and fill out a form rather than sending an E-mail.


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This site was last updated 11/24/03