Essays & Rants
Horrors of Fandom
Otaku Dictionary

Welcome to Anime Purgatory, an anime and manga review and information archive. We've decided to organize our reviews in the style of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.

Paradiso - Excellent anime which had an interesting story and characters, and is worthy of high praise.
Limbo - Anime which we have yet to watch, and therefore have not formed a full opinion on.
Purgatorio - Anime with enough flaws and negative aspects that the series was not as enjoyable as it could have been. Perhaps there was an interesting premise, but the execution and writing was poor.
Inferno - Anime which deserves to burn in Hell. It is terribly written and/or animated, with cliched, uninteresting characters and uncreative, unoriginal plots. Possibly has other flaws such as high levels of fanservice, sexism, or excessive gratuitous violence and/or sexual content.

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