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Benefits of Broadband Multimedia..

Special Report

Etisalat’s pending customer service drive is critical if the PTT is to sustain growth. In the mobile and internet markets, Etisalat is trying to upgrade clients to the latest services and increase usage time.

Making a Difference Tomorrow


How will broadband communications be used to improve the performance of our economic, social and cultural systems? What will broadband bring that we do not already have?
In this section we attempt to provide the beginning of an answer to these questions by imagining how the broadband revolution will transform communications-based applications and in some areas:

We think it is likely that broadband will have a very significant impact on UAE - i.e., on the operation of our political system, on the delivery of public services and on the relationship between government, the private sector and civil society - at every level from community to municipal to provincial to federal to global.

We also think it is likely that broadband will have potentially enormous consequences for our cultural institutions, the non-electronic media and traditional forms of cultural expression. This is an area of inquiry so vast and so important to our country's future that it may merit examination in its own right, perhaps along the lines of the reviews that have recently been undertaken of e-commerce, e-learning, e-health and e-government.
To read more in details about broadband multimedia benefits please visit the following site:




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