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Sarah Blanchard's Cyber Home

Updated 04/28/05

Courses Taken
Multimedia Lesson
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery


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Welcome to my Web site!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my very first web site. This is my first step towards my online portfolio. I have provided links to my bio, resume, photo gallery, video and sound, and a multimedia lesson that I have developed.

I encourage you to continue browsing my web site to learn more about me and my interests.

Courses Taken

Favorite Websites

Listed below are my three favorite courses. Each one of these classes provided me with new insight and knowledge in areas that were less familiar to me. Select the courses taken link to find about these courses and other courses that I have taken.

bulletEDD/511 Adult Learning: Theories, Principles, and Applications
bulletEDTC/560 Applications of Multimedia and Web Page Design
bulletQNT/540 Research and Ethics in E-Education

Link to my Multimedia Lesson that was created in EDTC560.

Here is a link to some of my favorite websites.
bulletIndianapolis Zoo
bulletMonty Roberts Join Up
bulletMichigan State University

Photo Album


Look at my new online photo album filled with pictures from my home and my family.


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