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  Bridgewater Cemetery


ABBOTT, Infant (Stillborn) Died: 11/16/1911
Relative: Jessie Abbott

ABBOTT, Jessie Died: 11/17/1911, Age: 14 yrs.
Relative: William Abbott by Allen Abbott

BLOCHER, Harriet M. Died: 5/9/1884, Age: 24 yrs., 6 mos., 15 days
wife of William E.

BRIDGEWATER, Christian C. 7/31/1790-9/25/1866*, son of S.
" Margaret (Miller) 1791-1885, wife of C.
*10/18/1888 in Walker Family History

BRIDGEWATER, Christian - Infant, November 1851
" Mary Jane - Infant, November 1851 (No other dates or info.)

BRIDGEWATER, Samuel J. 9/20/ (No year)-9/8/l863
" Catherine 8/3/1811-5/24/1846, wife of S. J.

BRIDGEWATER, Isaac A. 1853-2/5/1937
Relative: Walter

BRIDGEWATER, Isaac C. 9/20/1813-10/18/1888,
husband of P. Bridgewater
" Patience A. 3/20/1818-1/20/1892, wife of I. C.
" Emily C. Died: 9/28/1844, Age: 1 yr., 11 mos., 22 days
daughter of I. C. & P. A.
" Elias M. Died: 2/28/1849, Age: 1 yr., 11 mos., 18 days
son of I. C. & P. A.
" Samuel J. Died: 9/12/1850, Age: 5 yrs., 5 mos., 1 day
son of I. C & P. A
" Infant Died: 6/3/1852, Age: 5 days
daughter of I. C. & P. A.
" Clarabell Died: 11/13/1860, Age: 2 yrs., 1 mo., 1 day
daughter of I. C. & P. A.

BRIDGEWATER, Samuel 4/10/1749-5/11/1827, Pvt. Rev. War
" Mary Ann (Coffman) 10/25/1755-3/20/1847*

Coffman is spelled "Coughman" throughout the Bridgewater Family History, owned by Mae Bridgewater Walker.

Samuel (and his brothers Elias and Isaac) were sons of Immanuel Bridgewater, an English Duke, who died. The three sons immigrated to America sometime before the Revolutionary War, about 1770. They had been navigators for the celebrated Earl of Bridgewater, who was known as the father of inland navigation in England. The Earl of Bridgewater was also a Duke. These men owned quite a line of sea faring vessels for that day. In America, Immanuel's sons took sides with George Washington, and when war broke out, they joined his army.

*3/21 in Walker Family History

CAGLE, I. A. 2/6/1845-11/10/1867

CLARK, Stella Mae 8/15/1911-1/19/1917, daughter of James & Cora
(Buried on Peter B. Whitlatch lot and inscription on Whitlatch stone.)

COTTEN, Henry M. 3/17/1873-1/2/1877, son of H. M. & L.
" William R.
" Ellen N.
" Nancy E.
(S.D. on stones at each of four corners of lot -- possibly Donahew.)

DONAHEW, John Died: 6/3/1897, Age: 84 yrs.
" L. A. 11/6/1818-7/5/1878, wife of John

DONAHEW, Charles 1/12/1805-8/6/1890
" Nancy 1/28/1812-7/25/1880, Age: 68 yrs., 5 mos., 27 days
wife of C.

DONAHEW, N. R. 5/9/1831-9/4/1840, Age: 5 yrs., 8 mos., 25 days
son of C.

DONAHEW, William J. 1853-2/24/1891

ELLIOTT, Albert O. Died: 11/26/1893, Age: 18 yrs.,
son of Ervin
" Birtha Died: 9/6/1879, Age: 18 days
daughter of G. W. & Mc.
" Samuel E. 1847-9/13/1924
" Angeline 1851-7/7/1926
" Winnie Adeline 12/31/1889-7/30/1890
*We did not find Albert O. in June 1987.

FOLLICK, Nancy Died: 3/23/1909, Age: 75 yrs.
Relative: George Follick, Stewart Records

FURNISH, James T. 8/2/1827-(No Date)
" Elizabeth A. 5/22/1838-11/3/1923, Wife of J. T.
daughter of Christian C. Bridgewater
" Dellia F. Died: 9/19/1880, Age: 10 yrs., 11 mos., 12 days
daughter of J. T. & E.A.
" Ella Died: 8/22/1863, Age: 5 yrs., 7 mos., 25 days
daughter of J. T. & E. A.

GLADDEN, Maria 1/3/1834-11/21/1871, wife of B. K.
" N.E. 8/3/1862-8/22/1863, daughter of B. K. & M.

HARDY, Barney Died: 2/7/1944, Age: 56 yrs.
Lived at County Home, Stewart Records

HULICK, Sophia 1816-1883
" Albert O. 1875-1893
" Perry E. 1882-1890

KIMBERLIN, Abraham Died : 5/28/1903, Age : 62 yrs.
Company K, 66th Ind. Inf., Civil War

LAMASTER, Sarah J. 4/8/1807-1/1/1846, Wife of John
" Sarah Catherine 5/28/1843-9/1/1845, daughter of J. & S.

LAMASTERS, Sarah 5/10/1836-10/29/1867, wife of John

LASSWELL, James T. 5/23/1842-7/1/1843, son of P. & L.

McADAMS, Desdemonia H. Died: 4/18/1867, Age: 25 yrs. wife of William, Sr.

McADAMS, Malinda 1/15/1811-3/20/1875 (erected by son, William)

McADAMS, Mary J. (Blank Dates), wife of W.

McADAMS, William Died: 9/1/1883, Age: 73 yrs., 3 mos., 6 days

MOSER, Josephine Died: 5/19/1883, Age: 80 yrs., 3 mos., 13 days wife of J.

OWENS, Francis M. Died: 6/6/1870, Age: 29 yrs., 2 mos., 26 days
Consort of Mary A.
" Sarah L. 10/18/1868-11/3/1868, daughter of F. M. & M. A.

OWENS, A. C. 1/17/1806-3/19/1892
" Sarah 6/5/1808-6/20/1879, wife of A. C.
" J. .M. 10/2/1833-8/12/1865, son of A. C. & S.
" M. A. 10/27/1847-6/6/1871, daughter of A. C. & S.
" T.J. 9/22/1850-11/6/1876, son of A. C. & S.

RICHARDSON, Josephine Died: 7/14/1914, Age: 60 yrs.

SMITH, Abraham L. Died: 3/10/1863, Age: 18 yrs., 11 mos., 23 days
Company B, 93rd Reg. Ind. Vol.

SMITH, Henry 7/13/1809-7/4/1849

SMITH, James E. Died: 4/19/1909, Age: 67 yrs.
Co. C., 38th Ind. Inf., Stewart Records

SMITH, Louisa Jane Died: 4/5/1917, Age: 69 yrs.
Relative: Will Smith, also, Emma Smith

SMITH, Samuel R. Died: 9/18/1846, Age: 43 yrs., 5 mos., 16 days
" Allen F. Died: 9/15/1850, Age: 4 yrs., 2 mos., 4 days
son of S. R. & P.

SMITH, William P. 1834-1886
" Harriet 1835-1863, wife
" Infant son 1855-(no other dates)

SOMMERVILLE, Alex 1880-8/27/1943
" Infant Died: 3/29/1912, Age: 1 day
daughter, Doris Peavy

SOMMERVILLE, Elizabeth D. Died: 10/17/1908, Age: 35 yrs.
parent, William Sommerville, Stewart Records

SOMMERVILLE, Floyd Died: 6/13/1907, Age: 1 mo.
parent, William Sommerville

SOMMERVILLE, James R. 1828-7/6/1911
" Luticia "Cotton" 1847-8/22/1926, wife

SOMMERVILLE, Joseph William 2/22/1865-1/14/1867
son of J. A. & Gennettie
" Lena Gennettie 2/24/1875-11/29/1876
daughter of J. A. & Gennettie

SOMMERVILLE, Richard 3/30/1841-3/24/1880, Civil War Veteran
" James W. 1/3/1874-9/15/1875, Age: 1 yr., 8 mos.,
adopted son of R. & R. A. 13 days

SOMMERVILLE, Thomas J. Died: 2/2/1834, Age: 1 yr., 9 mos., 16 days

Tombstone at Earl Sommerville's house south of Cemetery (Francis M. Sommerville)
Scott County Cemetery Records 1978

STORM, Edward Died: 12/16/1865, Age: 9 mos., 9 days son of A. J. & N.

STORM, Orphy Died: 5/17/1852, Age: 22 yrs., 10 mos., 28 days
wife of Jacob
" Andrew J. Died: 3/11/1850, Age: 1 yr., 2 mos., 28 days
son of J. & O.
" Martha J. Died: 4/1/1853, Age: 2 yrs., 3 mos., 16 days
daughter of J. & O.

STORM, Thomas M. Died: 1/31/1853, Age: 2 mos. son of J. & M.

WHITLATCH, Joseph B. 1861-6/20/1924
" Nancy E. (Sommerville) 1864-1939
" Hugh E. 4/25/1888-2/8/1961, son
Ind. Sgt. Btry D, 47 Art'y, CAC, WWI
Nina (Johnson)

WHITLATCH, Oscar E. Died: 1/27/1945, Age: 63 yrs., 11 mos., 12 days
" Etta F. 11/3/1869-4/5/1963, Gene Vest Marker
We did not find Oscar's stone in June 1987.
Etta F. is buried at Bethel-Blocher.
Oscar's parents: Peter A. & Catherine (Sommerville) Whitlatch
Etta's parents: Job & Nancy (Montgomery) Deal
Stewart Records

WHITLATCH, Peter B. 12/8/1855-10/3/1932
" Catherine E. 12/27/1857-11/28/1899, wife of P. B.
" William J. 8/1/1875-5/30/1891, son of P. B. & C. E.
" Infant son 4/8/1891-4/28/1891

CLARK, Stella Mae 8/15/1911-1/19/1917, daughter of Jas. & Cora
Clark, on Peter B. Whitlatch stone

WILLIAMS, G. W. No Dates on stone, Co. B, 93rd Ind. Inf.

WILLIAMS, J. A. No Dates on stone, Co. H, 58th Ind. Inf.

WILLLAMS, Lavica Died: 9/17/1924, No age given
Relative: Sam Williams, Stewart Records

WILLIAMS, Mary E. Died: 5/1/1912, Age: 70 yrs.
Relative: George Hopper


Copyright 2003 - Brent Martin