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"; if (timeout != 0) text +="
Preview closes after " + timeout + " seconds."; text += "
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Visit the wallpapers page to download the full images.

All wallpapers are 800 x 600 resolution.


Click on images to see each interface in full working order.

Zips include customizable graphics and html.

Please read Terms of Usage.

(preview of latest wallpaper)

menu systems

Click on images to see each menu system in full working order.

Zips include customizable graphics and html.

Please read Terms of Usage.


Click on images to see full size banner.

Please read Terms of Usage.


Logos for websites, business cards, etc.

Click image to preview full size image.

Please read Terms of Usage.

page templates

Themed template pages include html, graphics, buttons, bars, banners, and backgrounds all customizable.

Please read Terms of Usage.





















































Terms of Usage: Graphics and/or code are available for use without a fee if used on personal pages only (pages which are devoted to personal interests, hobbies, family, etc.) Please consider a link back to S.uspicious ( if you use my graphics. Any commercial (one on which anything is offered for sale or on which an individual or organization is promoting products or services from which they derive, or hope to derive, revenue, on or off the Internet) websites must contact me. You may not claim to have created them yourself and you may not offer them for sale or for free in any other graphics collection, on or offline, without express permission. Do not link directly to any graphics on this site.

link to my site

2000-2001 © COPYRIGHT S.uspicious
All rights reserved.