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Notre Dame Fighting Irish Suck

Hi, my name is Ken Mays, and I would like to welcome you to my Notre Dame Fighting Irish Suck webpage. Now I know what you're already thinking: "We already have a dozen or so Notre Dame Fighting Irish Suck webpages, do we really need another?" Well, my answer is "YES!" I feel the need for a webpage where I can post my own opinions as to why the Notre Dame Fighting Irish suck. Please check back often, as I will be updating this webpage and adding more pictures. Please visit my message board and post a message. Check out my links to other Notre Dame Fighting Irish suck webpages.

The Four Horses Asses of Notre Dame
Harry Stuhldreher, Jim Crowley,
Don Miller, and Elmer Layden.

Top Ten List of why the Fighting Irish suck


Notre Dame Sucks - NotreDameFan72
Notre Dame Sucks! - RockinRob50
Notre Dame Sucks - Scott Towle
Jeremy's Notre Dame Sucks Page - Jeremy
Michigan Rocks, Notre Dame Sucks - Michael
Notre Dame Sucks - Wolverines1988
Notre Dame Sucks - Kevin
Notre Dame Doesn't Suck, Notre Dame Blows! - Ernie Turner
Michigan Rules, Notre Dame Sucks - Bryan
Notre Dame Sucks - NotreDameSucks2001
Tarnished Dome's Notre Dame Sucks Web Page - Jacques Strappe

Where's Knute?
A picture sent to me by an anonymous person.

Message Boards

Notre Dame Fighting Irish Suck Board
Notre Dame Sucks Message Board - NotreDameFan72
Notre Dame Sucks Message Board - Scott Towle

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