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Registration Cost & Directions

Registration Cost is:

$25 before July 14, 2002
$35 after July 14, 2002

This cost includes Friday & Saturday evening food and entertainment!

No Refunds.  (May be transferred).

All Singles in attendance must be registered.

Free Registration for Pastors and their spouse.

Make Checks Payable To:
Singles Support Group "Together"

Mail to : 
Singles Support Group "Together"
c/o Susan Malone
7195 S. Shields Ridge Road
Bloomington, IN  47401

Find directions by going to the Sanders Church web page at:

Sanders Pentecostal Church (UPCI)
6490 S. Fairfax Road
Bloomington, IN  47401
Pastor Joe Nelson
Phone (812) 824-9888

Bethany Home Page | Conference Hotel | Registration Cost & Directions | Directory of Related Links | Registration Form

To contact us:

Phone: (812) 824-4610

Email: Susan Malone, Director