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Famous Diamonds

The Great Star of Africa | Centenary | Regent

Kohlnoor | Idol's Eye | Taylor-Burton | Sancy | Blue Hope | Hortensia | Uncle Sam

The Great Star of Africa(Cullinan I) - 30.20 Carots. Cut from the largest diamond ever found, the Cullinan diamond. The Cullinan was found in South Africa in 1905 and weighed 3,106 carats.

Centenary - 273.85 carats. Discovered in 1986. Master cutter Gabi Tolkowsky and a small team took three years to cut the Centenary diamond into a large, most modern cut, top-colour, flawless diamond.

Regent - 140.50 carats. Found in 1701. The Regent was once called The Pitt Diamond until the Duke of Orleans, Regent of France sold the diamond. It was then renamed The Regent Diamond and rented to Louis XV. The Regent diamond was later sold to Napoleon Bonuparte, who placed it in his sword. The Regent can now be found on display in the Louvre, Paris.

Kohlnoor - 106.60 carats. The Kohlnoor is also known as the Mountain of Light. This diamond came from India and has been known to exist since 1304. Today it is part of the English crown jewels.

The Idol's Eye - 70.20 carats. A famous diamond that was once set in the eye of an idol before it was stolen.

Taylor-Burton - 69.42 carats. This pearl shaped unnamed diamond was auctioned in 1969 and to be named after it's new owner. Richard Burton bought the sone for Elizabeth Taylor, thus renaming it Taylor-Burton. In 1978 Elizabeth put the diamond up for sale and planned to use part of the proceeds to build a hosiptal in Botswana. It was sold for almost $3,000,000.

Sancy - 55 carats. This pearl shape diamond was first owned by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, who lost it in battle in 1477. The diamond is named after a later owner, Seigneur de Sancy, a French Ambassudor. Sancy sold the diamond in 1664 to James I of England. Today it is owned by the Astor family in London since 1906.

Blue Hope - 45.52 carats. The Blue Hope diamond was found in India in the 17th century. This diamond was once owned by Louis XIV until it was stolen during the French revolution. The Blue Hope diamond got it's bad reputation for bringing bad luck when it was bought in 1830, by Henry Philip Hope, in London. All of Henry Hopes Family died in poverty. It is now in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

Hortensia - 20 carats. The Hortensia diamond was named after Hortense de Becuharnais, Queen of Holland. It has been part of the French crown jewels since Louis XIV bought it. It can now be found on display, with the Regent diamond, in Louvre, Paris.

Uncle Sam - 40.23 carats. The largest diamond ever found in North America. The Uncle Sam diamond was found near Murfreesboro, Arkansas. It is now on diplay in the American Museum of Natural History.

Sam diamond before it was cut                 Same diamond after it was cut