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Lethargic Musings

Well i had some spare time on my hands. And i was working on my asianavenue page but i got irritated because i couldnt do as much things with it as i had liked. So i decided to convert this old page of mine to something i would enjoy messing around with. Right now im just going to put up some quotes i have. And a few poems that i've worked on. Well enjoy...

Isn't she pretty? Wish i could say i look just like her but im not that lucky...:(

Personal Quotes

It fills one with a deep sorrow to be apart from the only one that can that gives them the greatest joy.

It is strange to think how thou art so near, yet so far.
I wish not to even think of when thou wilt truly be far,
for it hurts too much and I wish not for thee to see my sadness.

E`ery joy of thine shall be a joy of mine,
for what makes thee happy shall be my eternal gladness.

As the minutes pass I cannot help but think of you.
As the hours pass I wonder if you are missing me as much as I miss you.
As the days pass the longing in my heart to hear from you,
to hear you speak my name,
to hear a single word from you grows with such ardor and overwhelms me with such emotion.
I cannot bear to think of how my heart will survive a few weeks without you.
The span of silence that lies between us is, I fear, tearing me apart.
I had no idea it would come to this.
I did not realize I would miss you this much.

Love has never strengthened me, but instead, has weakened me so much.
I have offered my love so frequently, but it was meaningless and now I am left with nothing...

You truly mean something to me, but I don't know how much more I can take this...
my heart can't take this pain for much longer...

I cannot force you to love me, I cannot ask you to love me,
but most importantly I cannot wait for you to love me…I need to move on…

The shadows of sorrow loom over me
As I sat alone with tears streaming down my cheeks...
Cared for by no one...

The flicker of existence waned steadily within me,
then sparked and intensified into a blazing fire of life with you fueling the flame.

I need to be from this wretched past of mine...
wherein the memories of my misery bring darkness upon my soul.


My Friend

Forgive Me

Thinking of You

Waiting Alone

A World Unlike Any Other

Untitled As of Now

A Tribute

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