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This is a section dedicated to all the SIMON fans out there. please send us your Fan Art, Poetry, Songs, Stories and Encounters and we will post it up in here! Who knows maybe Simon will stop by and see your wonderful work! So send something in and show him you care!

Email us at



I just thought you guys would like to here my experience of meeting the hottest guy in the world. I was swimming in the pool at hard rock hotel in Las Vegas when I saw Simon sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet dangling in the pool, with NO! shirt on! and dripping wet from the water, in nothing but trunks. It was like I died and went to heaven. I knew it was him, but to make sure I called his name and he turned his head so I swam next to him and asked if he was Simon Rex he said yeah and I started freaking out. I couldn't stop telling him how much I loved him, and kept saying he was the hottest guy. We talked for about ten minutes, and he told me about his new show Jack & Jill, and of course, I watch it everyday now, and then I asked for a hug and he said "sure and while I'm at it how about a kiss on the cheek?", right there I thought I was going to pass out. Well that's about the end of my story I hoped you enjoyed hearing about the best moment of my life.
summited by: Joelle Francisco


I haven't had a close encounter with Simon yet, but I am friends with his brother. Anyways, I was talking to him on the phone, and in the background I heard Simon talking to his brother. I was so thrilled to hear him! He was talking about something, not even really important, about a cd.... and I was so pshyched to hear a major star at home, being a regular person! He is the coolest actor in the World! So, I would also like to say that SIMON REX should run for the presidency!!! Yeah, that's right! VOTE FOR REX in 2000! :)
Obtained from E Online Celebs Sightings


About 2 years ago I met Simon Rex & a few other Tommy Hilfiger models on a tour. Simon was very nice & we took a couple pics together...Ethan Brown was there also (son of musician Jackson Brown) and he was the biggest sweetie! I've followed Simon since his days before MTV & modeling...if you know what I mean. :)
Rachel (Nov 27, 1999, 12:24 AM)
Obtained from E Online Celebs Sightings


Okay, i've seen him twice..the first time..was when i was working on that set...and a group of us were walking to taco bell across the street, and simon was checking in with the security guard..going to work! You could totally tell it was him! He was also wearing a beanie! My second encounter was when we were shooting this bar scene the whole day, he seemed really cool, because he joked around a lot! Also, we had lots of eye contact!! He was soo adorable, because afterwards, he would look down or look away really fast! He has a really nice smile! haha..Also, we were going out to lunch, and i passed by his trailer, and he was in there sitting down and looking out!! i used to think he was soo hot when he was on MTV, but he's not that cute he gained more weight..he's still cute though..oh yeah! he was wearing gray boxers that day! I hope he doesn't read this!


I met Simon many many times,, and he was really sweet and really funny. The first time i met him actually, he was in his pajamas and pushing his brown piece of sh*t car into a parking spot (LOL!). I was wearing a shirt with a monkey on it and he's like, "hey i love monkeys" and i was like yea me too. Then my dad introduced us, it was cool. When i first saw him, he had tosseled hair and he was all sloppy, so i was like, "yea he's nice" then he came onto the set DRESSED and WOW!!!! This one time, i was sitting in my dads production chair, and he was next to me in his, and he was talking to people, and his conversation was hilarious, and he had such a little potty mouth, but don't we all? I unfortunately never got a picture with him, which i totally regret now, but he was a really down to earth sweet guy.
submitted by: Marlise (email requested to remain unknown)


hey guys! this is kat the webmaster of this site and the most unbelievable thing happened to me! I met Simon Rex at the NBA All Star Jam Session! My encounter is a really long one so click here to read it.


I also went to the NBA Jam Session and I met Simon Rex too. I never thought I would ever meet him. We saw the celebrity dunk contest and after that was over my friends and I went to go talk to him down by the court. We took pictures with him and then told us that he was going to do an autograph session and told us he wanted to see us there. Sooo of course we went!!! Like I wasn't going to accept that invitation. So we were in line and my friend told me to look up at the platform Simon was tottaly staring at me so I smiled and he smiled back. So it came for me to meet Simon and I was tottaly calm. I asked him if I could have a hug and he said sure. So I got a hug and he signed my piece of paper with my nickname Candi. No one else signed it like that. Simon also spelled Candi right and he knew why I didn't like people signing it like "Candy" the kind you eat. So I was excited that he got it right. Totally randomly he told me he was starving and I said I was to since I hadn't ate since seven o'clock in the morning and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. He then told me that I shouldn't chew gum when your hungry, because it makes you less hungry. So I said Ok and he said you better eat before you faint. So I gave him another hug and told him that I would be watching Jack and Jill and he said cool. So that was my encounter and he was a really down to earth, polite guy.
A Devoted Fan,
Candice (Candi)


hi...well since the Jack and Jill season is almost over....I got to go to my FAVORITE show's wrap party...and who was one but the WONDErFUL...>FABULOUS>>>>AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS Simon Rex....leather jacket...messy hair...and all. what a sweet down to earth guy...he signed autographs....took pictures....said such nice things...and it was cool he told me i was cute and when we took a picture he stook out his hands like a hang loose and said..."U CANT FORGET THE HANG LOOSE"it was absolutely AMAZING....we talked for quite a while...i also talked with the other cast. AND I talked to the directors and producers...GUESS WHAT??? They are pretty sure that Jack and Jill will be back next season.... IM SOOOO PSYCHED.


While driving down the 101 I heard Rayen on star 98.7 fm talking to Simon Rex and he said something about a finale party so i called in and they said it would be at a club called "Q's" so i called and they said it was a 21 and over place i was like i have to call my cousin for her id ( i am 20 by the way) any ways; i then called rose who also used a fake id... so on sunday we get there and i forgot i had no film in my camera and i so i went around looking for film and loaded it up. we get there and see bright lights screaming tiny-boppers and so at this point i was like dying...we get there and right away me and simon make eye contact wow i nearly melted i quickly got into the club went straight to the bathroom and then ordered a midori sour..(really good by the way) simon, ivan and justin come in finally...they go upstairs and watched the first half up there then came down to give autographs and i was like rose get as many pics of me and simon as you i take one with justin then ivan and now simon i go hi and he says hi nice to met he goes on to sign a cast photo and i ask if i can have a pic with him and rose starts snapping i was like i want a really kick ass pic so i ask can i take one sitting on your lap and he pushes his chair from the table and says "yeah!!"( in a really guyish voice)then screamed "everyone move photo opt." so rose snaps away i am sitting i felt something on my leg as said i hope that's your cell phone and we both laugh...(oh my god i forgot before i sat on his lap i asked if he could sign by shirt and he said hey thats me!! and had me show a couple of his posse...) i said thank you and he said nice meeting you. I pick up my autograph that reads to huy ( pronounced wee) thanks for the memories in bed..soon he looked he was about to leave..i was like are you leaving and he says not without giving you a hug (ahhhhhh!!!!) then one of the writers asked if i could make a copy of my shirt for him..(it was a shirt with simon on it "his favorite shirt that he would never wear") and gave me a card.
~Huy (for pics of this encounter go to the PICTURES section)


Simon Rex actually came to our school yesterday, April 12, but he has been coming to our gym for about a month or so. Anyways, it was after school and I was talking with my friends when all of a sudden we saw this really hot guy in a fitted, black shirt and some grey sweat pants. He looked really really good and his hair was dark brown, spiked, and he had on really nice dark shades. I told my friend, "wow that guy is really hot", and she goes "I think that is simon rex". I was soooooo shocked! We then tryed to follow him into the gym, but the security officers made sure that we couldn't. I was soooo mad, but i was still really happy that I walked in the same foot steps of one of the guys I totally love! All of these girls wre all screaming, thats totally Simon, but I was definetly one of the first ones to notice. I was so surprised that he came back to play basketball at my school, because last time he came with Leonardo Dicaprio and the girls tried to chase his car down. I guess Leo was really egotistical and never came back, but Simon sure did, and boy am i glad he did!!!!!!


Oh my gosh, may i just say, hes like WHOA!!! i actually got the chance to meet him about 3 or so years ago in NYC. He was actually using a pay phone when i stepped off the bus to go to school. There was no way i was going to pass up the chance to say something. After all, it was only 2 weeks prior that i wrote him a letter informing him on how big of a fan I was! Any crap, once he finished his call, he looked over at me and stepped back, for he assumed that i was waiting in line to use the phone. Though when i stepped forward, i told him that that was okay, and proceeded to ask if he was Simon Rex (of course i knew he was, but I didnt want him to necessarily know that I knew for certain). He said yes, and I then held out my hand and introduced myself...OH MY GOSH, i was touching Simon Rex!! Any crap, we talked about things like me writing him and stuff and how he plays basketball in the city every now and again. Oh, but the most humiliating part, I thought, was when prior to approaching him, I noticed that he had dropped a small piece of paper on the ground. Out of courtesy, I mentioned it to him, and he told me that it was nothing. Therefore, I pretty much caught Simon Rex littering and made him aware of it as well! Can we say embarrassing?!
In the end, we said goodbye, being that I was late for class and that was pretty much it.



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Here is a piece of fan art submitted by one of our very own webmasters, Kat.
"hey everyone, this is my charcoal drawing of Simon, and my first attempt to draw his portrait. I was watching FELICITY and I got this tingly artisy feeling and decided to draw him. I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to get it quite right. I need a lot more practice! :) "

Click to see full size

Here is a FANTASTIC pencil drawing of Simon, submitted by Meghan. WOW! can you say...TALENT?!
"This is a pencil drawing I did earlier this year. It's an enlarged copy of a sexy picture I found of him in a magazine. Enjoy! ....I know I did, just staring and drawing him for 3 weeks! Hehe. Oh, and I named my cat after him...I call him sexy Simon Rexy (his name is just Simon)"