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  Hi! To tell you a little about myself, I am originally from Loogootee Indiana. Loogootee is very small and close-knit. It is the kind of town where everyone knows everyone. This has it's good points and it has it's bad points just like everything else, but I love it here.

I am an Indiana State Licensed Hearing Aid Specialist. I was licensed in April 1997.  In May, 2002, I passed my National Certification. A lot of people don't understand what my career field is so let me briefly explain.  I do hearing testing, fitting, and dispensing of hearing instruments for the hearing impaired of all ages.  I can also do minor in-office repair of hearing instruments.  I love my career very much, but not more than I love my family. I think what I like most about my job is working with people. I never meet a stranger and I don't believe that you can acquire too many friends in one's lifetime. My career is very self-rewarding.

My other interests are: sewing, reading, writing, cooking, and camping. I love the outdoors, and I love nature. As you can tell on all our pages, we are very family-orientated.  David & I don't have any children.  We have pets instead!  They are our 'babies'.  We have one cat (Merlin), three dogs (Prince, Brandon, & Bear), and numerous goldfish.

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Revised: 12/07/03.