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Chapter Eight

Chris was dreaming. He had to be. Gina stood in front of him, her long blonde hair flowing over her shoulders. He walked towards her and enveloped her in his strong arms. She felt so soft under his touch and she embraced him back. He sighed with contentment at having her back in his arms again and looked down into....Amber's face??

Amber saw Mark standing before her, his shiny, golden hair fell slightly into his bright blue eyes. She felt his arms wrap around her once more and hold her tight like they used to. She missed his familiar touch and hugged him back. She gazed up into his face and met...Chris' eyes?

The early morning sun came streaming through the blinds in the living room and Justin blinked as it met his eyes. He looked down, Lauren still sound asleep on his chest. He brushed her dark hair out of her face and she stirred. Slowly she focused on Justin's smiling face and she smiled back.

"Have I been here all nite?"

"Yeah, you fell asleep and I couldn't move without waking you, I hope you don't mind"

"Not at all" she replied as she bought her lips to Justin's for a soft kiss.

Amber stirred as she ran her hands across Mark's firm chest and smiled. She missed his strong arms around her so much and now she felt safe and secure again. Without opening her eyes she slowly began to kiss Mark's neck they way she knew he liked in the morning and he stirred.

Chris' arms tightened around Gina's waist as he bought one hand up to slowly caress her back as he had done so many other mornings before. The warmth of her body against his gave him that all over sense of wellbeing that he had missed since they broke up. As she ran her hands over his chest his whole body relaxed, but as her lips began to travel the length of his neck, which he was not so familiar with, he slowly opened his eyes.........

Chris jumped up as he looked into the startled eyes of Amber.

"Oh my gosh....I'm so's just.."

"I's all my...I mean, I just thought.." they were both lost for words. His dark eyes met her deep green eyes and they stared in amazement for a moment before Chris broke the gaze and looked away.

"I'm really sorry, I was having this dream and..."he started.

"Oh, too..I totally didn't mean to, I mean...can we just forget this happened, please?"

"Oh yeah, it was just a misunderstanding" he replied.

"Exactly" she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ummm..well, I'm uh...gonna go take a shower" Chris said.

"Oh yeah, me the other bathroom" she laughed nervously.

"Of course" he laughed nervously in return.

"C'mon you guys! People are gonna start arriving soon", JC yelled at anyone who was listening. The living room furniture had been shifted in preparation for the party that the guys had planned to see Lauren off who was leaving tomorrow.

"JC, where do ya want these?" Lance asked, referring to the tray full of glasses he'd just bought out of the kitchen.

"Umm..just put 'em on the table thanks Lance" JC replied, a slight sense of tension in his voice. JC always had to be concerned that everything was running smooth and he sometimes almost forgot to let loose and have a good time.

"Hey JC, it's a party, lighten up dude" Joey remarked as he walked in carrying a box of beers fresh from the fridge. There was a knock on the door and the first of the guests arrived.

"I'll get it" Lance called as Joey began to crank up the stereo and the party began.

Chapter Nine
