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Chapter Nine

Lauren and Justin danced in the middle of the living room floor. As the song began to end Justin too Lauren's hand and led her outside to the balcony.

"Justin, what is it?" Lauren asked as Justin closed the sliding door behind him.

"Well, you're leaving tomorrow and I have something I want to give you before you go. I was gonna give it to you tomorrow but I think the time is right now" he explained.

Laurend looked puzzled as he reached into his pocket and bought out a small box.

"For you" he said simply, handing her the box.She opened it to reveal a silver bracelet engraved with the words; 'Remember me always, Justin'

"Justin, it's beautiful",she whispered, holding back a tear.

"Not quite as beautiful as you", Justin replied as he leaned in to kiss her tenderly on the lips. Lauren began to shiver in the evening ocean air and Justin wrapped his arms around her warmly as they stood close together, never wanting to part.

Amber sat on the couch in the corner, glancing around the room for the one person she wanted to see the most, but knew she shouldn't. Since this mornings incident, things between Amber and Chris had been pretty uncomfortable and he hadn't said one word directly to her all day. The loud music was distracting her from her thoughts and she headed out to the balcony for some fresh air. She closed the sliding door and leaned on the balcony railing, staring far out to sea. The waves crashed on the shore and the cool ocean breeze made her shiver as she hugged her arms around herself. She heard the sliding door open behind her and turned to see a male figure silhouetted against the bright lights inside.

"Thought I might find you out here. I've been looking for you all over", the familiar voice said.

"Chris? Why aren't you in there partying?" she asked.

"Not really in the mood. And besides, I had to talk to you first."

"Oh? What about?" she asked, mystified.

"Umm..well...about this morning actually".

"Oh, I thought we'd agreed not to bring that up again. It was just a stupid mistake that's all" she said quickly.

"Well, yeah, but it's been on my mind all day. And I have to admit something..." She listenen anxiously for what was to come next.

"Y'see, well..I..uh..."he stumbled "I was dreaming, and it was about my ex-girlfriend..but..then, it...well, it was you" he finally conceded. "And then this morning, when I found it was you in my arms and not her..well...I didn't regret it. Hate me if ya want, you probably think I'm a total pervert or something,but...."

"No!" she almost shouted. "No, I don't" she continued more quietly. "I was dreaming too..only it was you too...instead of my ex-boyfriend,and then this morning..well..I was kinda, I dunno...disappointed..." Chris stared into Ambers deep green eyes, slightly surprised at her revelation...but relieved all the same. The cold breeze tousled her hair around her face and her skin looked so soft in the moonlight as she stared back at him, mesmerised by his warm brown eyes. She shivered again in the cold wind and he slowly stepped forward to envelope her in his warm, strong arms as he bent his head down to meet her lips in a soft, tender kiss. She returned his kiss as she caressed his face and neck with her warm hands. His arms wrapped tightly around her, one hand caressing her back; they felt they could stay in this embrace forever. But a song with a strong beat began pulsating through the house and as they broke from their kiss, Chris looked into Ambers eyes and smiled devilishly.

"Let's go dance", he said, taking her by the hand and leading her back into the party, where the living room floor was crowded with dancers.

JC was watching the party scene from the side of the living room when he heard a knock on the door. He noticed Chris and Amber enter the apartment from the balcony, both looking very pleased with themselves, as he went to answer the door.

He opened the door to reveal a slender woman with long blonde hair standing in front of him, a look of total shock passed over his face.

"Gina?" JC asked bewildered.

"Hi JC" Gina replied. "Is Chris here? I really need to talk to him".


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