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Chapter Seven

"Wow, I'm beat", Lance said as they walked back into the apartment. Everyone sleepily agreed in unison.

"Oh hey, the big game's on in 10 minutes, anyone gonna stay up and watch it with me?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, I'll stay up with you", Lauren offered.

"Well, goodnite y'all", JC said.

"Uh, Chris?", Amber said diffidently.


"That floor doesn't look so comfortable, and I know how badly you slept last nite".

"I'll live".

"Well, your bed is pretty big and uh..I don't take up thatmuch space and...I could sleep up here tonite..."

"Ummm...well...ok, thanks", Chris climbed into his bed on the far side and switched out the light.

"Chris? I had a really good time tonite, thanks".

"Yeah, me too. Now you better not be a blanket stealer". Amber laughed nervously.

"Goodnite Chris".

"Goodnite Amber"

Justin watched the basketball game intently from the couch in the living room. Lauren stifled a yawn.

"Tired?" Justin inquired.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah...a little"

"Well here...I'll move over to the armchair and you can have the whole sofa to spread out on" Justin offered.

"No, it's ok. I'll just lean up against you here, if that's ok"

"Uh..sure" Justin said as she leaned her back against his chest. He hesitated for a moment before slipping his arms around her waist in front of him. Lauren yawned again and was soon drifting off to sleep. The game ended and Justin switched off the tv. He slowly tried to manouver his way off the couch without waking Lauren, who was asleep in his arms. She stirred. He was stuck. He grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and spread it out over himself and Lauren as he settled back on the couch with Lauren's head resting gently on his chest.He kissed her forehead lightly and closed his eyes.

Chapter Eight
