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NYC Demo & Fan Party Report
By Darketa Morris AKA iluvmj

I get home from NYC and what do I see? Negative images of Mike in the paperand on TV, portraying him like some spoiled kid having a temper tantrum. Here is what really happened!

Friday July 5th: I went to NYC with Dirty Diana 2000, Chocolate PYT, and SP777. It started off exciting. Luther Vandross was on our plane! (with his stuck up self) We arrived in NYC around 1 pm got to The Palace hotel around 2. There were fans outside waiting for Michael. We asked the bellman who took us up to our room if he'd seen any celebrities. He said yes. I said Michael? He said yeah Michael's here! So we're getting all excited just knowing this was our chance to finally get close to Michael.

Well it wasn't our Mike. It was Michael Jordan! What a let down! Anyway we spent Friday trying to find Mike. Unfortunately no one knew where the lil dude was! And we never did find out where he was staying. Friday night we saw MIB2. Michael was great. I know I'm biased but still. 2 short parts in the movie but he was good! He was agent M. Back to the Palace, but still no sign of Michael. He simply wasn't there!

Saturday July 6th: This was the most magical day of my 15 years being a fan. We went to the demo around 12 or so, and there were already tons of people there! Newspaper reps and media reporters were interviewing everyone. I am so proud to say the banner we made was a hit! We were also interviewed and asked to pose for pics holding our banner. It said KING OF POP FANATICS NEW ORLEANS among other things. Well we figured how the streets work. They were one way streets so there was only a certain route MJ had to take coming to the demo. So we stood on the Madison Avenue side of the demo to get a good spot. Dang we stood out there for 3 hours before Mike showed up but it was worth it. I tried telling the cops that telling MJ fans to stay put when Mike comes is just silly. It just cant happen. When you're an MJ fan and you see Mike, your feet just go! Michael's bus came down Madison Avenue and people that had no idea what was going on were chasing his tour bus Thats how we knew it was him coming. Michael's bus got rushed by the fans. We ignored the police of course! The bus came around the block again and this is when I finally got a great view of Mike. We held up our banner for him. He pointed at it and waved at us. OMG OMG OMG OMG. But that wasn't enough for us!

So we chased the bus, yes chased for blocks! We were trying to give our banner to MJ. We saw his bus turn left so we went left on another one way street and tried to catch up with him again. On our way running down the street, I did have to cuss out this guy in Spanish for insulting us. I don't know why some hispanic people think they are the only ones who speak spanish! LOL Anyway, we caught up with Michael again. He was now in the bottom part of the bus shaking hands with fans who were running beside it.

We saw him again briefly when we were running beside the bus. OMG all I could see for blocks was people running after that bus. Traffic was stopped. It was total chaos that only Michael fans can cause!

Saturday night was the party. Much respect to Meca27 who performed. She was great and I'm not just saying that. She really was good! Unfortunately Michael didn't show up until like 8:45 or 9pm, but when he did get there no one was watching the show. All heads were turned in his direction! He waved and blew kisses and watched the remainder of the show. Michael had a good time. He arrived with Karen Faye and the nanny(I'm pretty sure that was her). He sang along with the performers and bopped his head. HE LOOKED GREAT When he FINALLY got on stage, it was totally crazy. I doubt if anyone got any good pics besides the people right up front near the stage. He looked so happy and pleased with us and honored. Mike only was on stage for a matter of minutes, but I guess I should be grateful for that. I'm such an ungrateful fan at times LOL

After that we had a plan! CHASE HIM! We went around the corner, figuring by the time MJs car got to where we were standing the fans chasing him would be tired Boy were we wrong! Fans had gotten cabs and were sitting there waiting for MJ's limo to come around so they could follow him LMAO why didn't I think of that! I ran right up to Michael's limo and just as I was about to knock on the window, this HUGE bald man with a mustache says(in a really mean Alien like voice) GET AWAY FROM THE CAR. DAYUM!

The car sped off( as fast as it could with people running in front and all around it heehee) And he was gone! Like a fart in the wind *sigh* Oh well at least I got close.

Sunday, July 7th was our day of departure! This time, the Neville Brothers were on our plane. We must attrach celebs! We bought the NY Pnd Daily News. The pic on the NY post was just disgusting. It was a pic of him on the bus at the demo. Michael's teeth looked black and the lipstick looked bright red and it just really wasn't that way! He really looked great and healthy! Why do the news media make Mike look bad on purpose? This man is wonderful. Who else can bring together everyone? There were blacks, whites, hispanics, Asians, people from everywhere! Older people, kids, and every age in between. If we don't support him, who will!


Shout outs to everyone I got to talk with/hang out with in NYC! Summer(via telephone from Austria!) Rock of Ages, Superflysister, Tina2020, Sugar Rose, MJJen, Magicchild, MJMagicFan, Valbot, LiberianGirl58, Michael May I Hug You, EJ, King of Music, Jess, Vernay, Nikki, Darvon, Amy, Dex, Liz OMG I'm forgetting people. My pics aren't that great but I hope you enjoy them anyway!

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Darketa - King of Pop Fanatics New Orleans

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