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Good Advice

Welcome to my page. I am the voice of experience. Every piece of advice given on this page has been tested by me or one of my good friends. I hope it helps you out. If you have a problem that I did not give advice on, e-mail me and I will give you advice A.S.A.P.

I will not be held responsible for any injury or illness as a result of viewing my webpage.

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Sign my Dreambook!

Love Problems

Help, I've been dumped!
I'm in love with someone else.
I can't find a date.
Oh Boy, I think i'm pregnant!
Am I in an abusive relationship?
What is rape?

Problems with the parental units?

Why are my parents so wierd?
They are driving me crazy!
Are they crazy?
How can I keep my parents from snooping through my stuff?
I don't know how to live with them
What is child abuse?
My Parents Are Getting a Divorce.

Fighting with a pal?

Should I still put my trust in this person?
My best friend and I are fighting.
My best friend moved.
My friends belong to different cliques.