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Thanks Shelbie!

This is so special coming from you, Sherri! Thanks!

We are honored...Thanks!

Thank you, Linda, for your kindness!

Thank you so much, Rene'!

How we miss our babies,
All too soon they had to part.
And though they only spent a moment in our arms,
They'll spend forever in our hearts.

A special award from a special angel!
Thank you so much, Donna!

Your spirit and your site
are both incredibly beautiful!
Thank you Katia!

Our love for our babies is not measured
by the time we had,
but by the love in our hearts.

With much gratitude, we accept this
in name of our angels.
Thank you SO much, Jan!

Angela, many thanks to you for this award!

Your kindness is so very deeply appreciated!

In memory of your angels and ours,
we accept your gracious award!

Thank you Jen, for this award
in loving memory of Brianna!

Lisa, many thanks not only
for giving your award to the memory
of Hope, but also for the gift
of your friendship!
Love and angel hugs!

Cheryl, I am very touched by your kindness!
These awards, and the addition to your
webring are so special.
Many thanks in memory of
those we will always remember...

Gigi Donna, I know of no other with more kindness in their heart than you...
Much love and many thanks to you,
in memory of Kaylee and Hope.

Dearest Theresa, thank you so much for
this beautiful gift, and for
all the many things you do
for those blessed to have you
in their lives!

Tracy, thank you so much for remembering
Hope on her fifth birthday!

Jayne, I love this graphic,
thank you so much for this gift!

Pauline, thank you very much for such
a sweet rememberance of
Hope's birthday.

Stacey, such a beautiful angel graphic,
and I know your love went into it's making.
Thank you so much for remembering Hope.

Given in loving memory of
Azariah Rose Sainte Claire.

Leigh-Ann, thank you very much for
this special award, and for
all you do for so many others!

Gerae', many thanks and hugs to you.
Remembering our girls with love always!

Pamela, thank you for this award,
and for taking care
of your wonderful webring.

Mary, thank you for your kindess!
~ Angel hugs ~

Thank you very much for this award,
and for having a wonderful place for
remembering our angels with anencephaly.

Sharon, such kindness you show....
Thank you!

Jennah, your kindness has touched my heart!

Debs, thank you so much for all the love
you have shown my baby and I.
I am so blessed to have come to know
you and sweet Sarah!






This page and all of its contents
are property of Hope's Mom & Dad.
Copyright © 1999-2001
All rights reserved.