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House Roaring Valknuts

House Roaring Valknuts is the apprentice household of Meistara Thorhalla Carlsdottir af Broberg, Mistress of the Order of the Laurel in the Society for Creative Anachronism in the Middle Kingdom.

Meistara Thorhalla was elevated to the Order of the Laurel for mastery in the arts of Music Performance, Music Research and Norse Costuming.

The members of House Roaring Valknuts are her apprentices. These good folk are: Dona Sanchia de Galicia (apprenticed for music), Lord Faremanne de Vere (apprenticed for music), Lady Teleri ferch Morgant ap Rhys (apprenticed for music)and Lord Kveldhrafin Ulfgrimsson (apprenticed for Norse costume).

Dona Sanchia was Meistara Thorhalla's first apprentice. She plays the hammered dulcimer and enjoys Spanish and Middle Eastern music. She is frequently seen playing at Meistari Hroar Stormgengr's pottery booth and at Master John ap Wynne's music booth.

Lord Faremanne sings and plays the harp. He composes much of his music and is learning medieval harmony. Many of Lord Faremanne's songs have a haunting quality to them. Lord Faremanne enjoys music from 13th Century France and Normandy. Lord Faremanne produces music in the modern world as Einstein Savage. His first CD is available and entitled "Tales From The Obsolete Library". His CD can be purchased from Borders 4320 Coldwater Rd., Fort Wayne, IN (219-471-5598) for $16.79 (this includes IN tax).

Lady Teleri sings and plays the gittern. She has experience in leading choral groups and she is an excellent music researcher and enjoys much of the same music Lord Faremanne does. Lady Teleri maintains a fine early and Renaissance music resource web site, which this web site is linked to.

Lord Kveldhrafin is the only non-musician member of the household. He is currently researching Norse (Viking) costume and culture. Lord Kveldhrafin also writes Norse poetry and has an excellent reading style.

The Society for Creative Anachronism

The Middle Kingdom
Middle Kingdom Laurel Page

House Roaring Valknuts Photo and Sound Galleries

Photos of Meistara Thorhalla, Dona Sanchia and Lord Faremanne
Photos of Lady Teleri, Lord Kveldhrafin and Lord Kveld as

Links We Think You Will Enjoy

Lady Teleri ferch Morgant ap Rhys' Early Music Page
LaTrobe University Medieval Music Database
The Museums of Sigtuna, Sweden
Indiana University William and Gayle Cook Music Library
The National Museum of Denmark
A Database of Gregorian Chant maintained by the University of Western Ontario
Viking Resources for the Re-enactor
Labyrinth Home Page
Ravensgard Norse Homepage
Einstein Savage - Faremanne's Music